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15:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Agatha Von Roehm

Name: Agatha Bracken Von Roehm
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Hair: Brozen red, Short, Curly
Eyes: Peridot

Distinguishing Marks: Light brown freckles dotting over her nose and fade the further it reaches over her warm cheeks. They get darker the more she's out under the sun, but doesn't seem to burn. She had a few scars over her legs, back, a thin one on the bow of her lip, and the side of her left arm. She has a few little burns from learning how to cook lightly discoloring her forearms with little brown lines, and her smooth hands hold some callouses from archery, hunting, and basic dagger training.


Standing five foot four, she doesn't seem to be able to wear heels, although she would like to be taller. Her hair is a mixture of her parentage, but the copper red and auburn that surround her dark peach colored skin brings out the warm tones of her days beneath the sun. Where her hair use to sweep the back of her rump, it has been cropped and falls around her shoulders. Unweighted, the bright red flairs out like flames around her head, ruffled, curly, and wild seeming. Black lashes frame her yellowish green eyes, they twinkle like refined peridot, even around strangers.  Slender with a bit of curve here and there,  her rump and hips seems to be bigger then her chest, though. She doesn't seem to care much for make-up or perfume, but she does have wild flower petals she places inside her brazier and corset to keep their soft, subtle aroma around her. Her lips are joyful pink with a fine slightly whiter strip of a thin scar and appears to give her bottom lip a gentle sheen. As an obvious love of the color violet and yellow, most of her dresses have traces of it, though she's more commonly seen in armor pleated brown pants, a blue suede vestment that covers a creme, billowing sleeved blouse.

Personality: Her parents worried that she was too wild to settle down. Loud and often speaking her heart before she would clearly think it out, her mouth often got her in trouble. It's possible for her to be sweet, but a bit gullible and clumsy, often leaving such fine skin to get cut or bruised during her adolescence. While most people liked to play with words and be subtle in their meanings, various innuendos tend to sail out of her grasp and she finds it foolish not to say what one is actually thinking. A bit flighty, but a fair simplistic beauty, the maiden is quick to act and occasionally seems aggravated by being in one place for too long if she's not enjoying herself. It give the appearance of her being haughty, perhaps even bratty, but some can appreciate her endless curiosity and wish for stimulation, couldn't they? She doesn't intentionally seek trouble nor to seem so stubborn or ignorant, but she does tend to be her own worst enemy, in this regard.

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

House: Von Roehm, Major

About Agatha Bracken: In youth, she was a silly little girl. Having a big brother and sister, she was always surrounded by someone and learned to speak and read when she was five. Always having her cousins of Bracken, Liddel, and Foreman, she never ran out of anyone to play with, hyper and brilliant, she teased, fought, and enjoyed what times she had. Even when she didn't understand her cousins were trying to ditch the talkative mouse, it just seemed like something fun to try to find them and give chase.

This was when she first met Vaughn Liddel. While she couldn't be his friend, she bothered him a lot. Perhaps not in a way that was kind, as children can be obnoxious or even cruel in their amusement, but she would never failed to mess with him over the years. She grew up fixated on him and never questioned why. Sworn to be loyal to the greater house that sponsored generations of Brackens into nobility they earned. Yet Agatha was always a brawling brat, trying to prove herself to her brother, cousins, and father by attempting to become a Knight, yet the death of her sister made her father stop all of her training completely. She never rose above a novice with a sword or shield and is only left with her bow to hunt.

She has a great love and dedication toward her cousin Lailse, and had more then mere affection for Vaughn. After years and years of guilt, heartache, and longing, she cut her long, long hair as a personal vow to learn to let him go. A difficult task, but with a new confidante whom turned husband, she has good motivation to move on.

About Bracken Family:

House: House Bracken, Minor; known for their innate skill of tracking and survival in the wilderness like Druids of Old, they were started by a string of brothers in Knighthood and, within a century has gained a proper title of nobility. While a often holding a rugged or wild appearance, they lean toward quiet vigilance; well-known for their immense bravery and dedication. They have a strong alliance with the Liddels through work and a few marriages. They are occasionally refered to by scoffing nobles as, the Liddel's blood hounds, and nothing seems to break a Bracken's patience more then insult toward their house or Liddel.

Parentage & Siblings:
 Baronet Valmond Bracken [ Son of Baron Darrow Bracken] and Lady Darlenda Liddel [Eldest Daughter of Bradan and Maire Liddel [Deceased] ]
Siblings: Laena Bracken [Older sister, Deceased], Wesley Bracken [Older Brother], Yvette Bracken [ Little Sister]

Character Model: Julia Yaroshenko