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21:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dante Romero

Name: Dante Romero


Age: 25

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Dark brown

Distinguishing Marks: Scar running from corner of left eye to ear.

General Appearance: Dante always looks a bit scraggly even when freshly cleaned and groomed, like there are some things that just won't wash off or ever sit straight. His generally unkempt hair is dark, currently falling a little above his shoulders in back, shorter in front but still frequently falling across parts of his face where equally dark eyes look out on a world that's both entertaining and disappointing. He often sports a thin beard equally as scraggly as the rest of him, which he will sometimes shave off on a whim then let it grow back. When he's on, performing or actively hitting on someone his body language is animated and engaged. When relaxing, he drapes across whatever is available, and could do a good Pieta impression if you imagined Mary as an easy chair. He usually wears dark clothes, sometimes with a worn green army surplus coat on top in bad weather or a black leather one as road rash protection. When riding he also has a mirror ball motorcycle helmet. While not buff, he's surprisingly fit for his image, and 5’10” if he’s standing up straight.

Dante can get a bit broody when alone sometimes, and a bit manic when around others having fun. He's seen life, he's seen death and decided life is better despite its troubles, disappointments and negatives from other people. There are good bits and moments to be had too and he wants as many of those as he can get.

He is not fond of authority or coffee in most cases.

Sexual Preferences:
Hetero but drunk, high or bored enough who knows.

Employment (Employed/Unemployed/Out of towner etc.): DJ/Undertaker/musician/radio personality/pontificator of random BS/sybarite

About Your character:

Dante is a Stillwater native, part of the family that runs Romero Family Funeral Services. He was what could be called a troubled youth or juvenile delinquent, frequently getting into trouble as a teen. Along the way, partly from morbid curiosity, partly from boredom, partly to help his family he did pick up the family trade but got his GED and skipped out of high school and Stillwater partway through his senior year, following his rockstar dreams.

For various reasons those didn't work out, and after getting out of prison he's returned to Stillwater a couple of years ago, at first mostly working at the funeral home, preferring the back-end parts, embalming and so on. Over time he's branched back out into the world, finding a home and passion as an on-air personality at Wolf 101.5FM and doing DJ work for events.

When not just walking he rides a red and black Harley around town, or a beat up but rugged dirt bike for out in the wilds. He also has an old white van with an orange driver's door to haul his DJ gear or drum kit to gigs. If that's broken down he'll use the family hearse without asking, but he's a decent amateur mechanic so keeps his various vehicles in pretty good condition.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
There's something else about Dante.

He's an erratic and uncontrolled telepath and empath, sometimes picking up stray thoughts and feelings. Sometimes this can make him creepily perceptive about others, but mostly has led him to a lot of negative opinions about a lot of people, hearing the horrible thoughts behind the masks. He does not like this, the intrusion is not pleasant or welcome most times, though sometimes he does pick up a snippet of something beautiful or useful in the moment.

Over time he has found things that help suppress it, like drinking, drugs, adrenaline, exertion, things that throw off his body and mind, so he frequently sought those out. Pain actually enhances the ability, so he tries to avoid that even more than just pain sucking.

(If anyone interacting with Dante wants to have him pick something up from them, please make it clear in the post and/or add spoilers or private lines to draw attention to it. I will not have him picking up thoughts that aren't clearly presented by the other players. His supernatural empathy has honed his natural empathy, so he still might pick up on other cues of course, just not have a direct readout.)