Alice Miute
Name: Alice MiuteAge: 20
Gender: Female
Appearance: Alice Miute has shoulder length red hair and amber eyes. She is unable to use her legs, and as such is bound to a wheelchair.
Personality: She always has at least a small smile on her face, though her words don't often match up with her expression, she often comes across as jaded. She likes to spend time alone, and read, though she doesn't object to interaction if the company suits her. She tends to remain calm, but if someone tries to hard to get into her past she can snap and use what she has at her disposal to cut them down (not physically but emotionally.)
Likes: Reading, being alone, discovering new things, tinkering with her wheelchair.
Dislikes: Talking about her past, people who over extend themselves.
Fears: Gods and higher beings.
Weaknesses: She sometimes has trouble getting around. She has modified her wheelchair to help her when she's on the field, but it still gives her trouble.
She strongly dislikes using any offensive battle artes.
Fighting style: Healer (formerly battle mage)
She has been on a number of adventures before. But during an adventure at the age of 16 she lost use of her legs, and stopped using combat artes all together.
She decided to further help her father with his endeavors, moving to Mirosse settling in the capital. The people here were far less open to the idea of technology though and she spent the next couple of years of her life adjusting to her new life, she even opened a small clinic to assist those who needed a small amount of healing.