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18:31, 18th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Neva Sulland

Name: Neva Sulland (Pronounced 'NEE-və' as in Geneva)

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Appearance: Tall and athletic, a Sianne rifle at her back and short blade at her side, Neva might cut something of an intimidating figure if she wore a colder countenance. She has the look of a ranger or mercenary about her, someone well-traveled and comfortable in the field, and her garb only serves to muddy the waters, blending clothes obviously sourced from Sias with a fur-lined and hooded cloak and other trappings that are unmistakably of Mirosse. While such a combination might perhaps suggest a tourist playing adventurer, it doesn’t take an expert eye to recognise that Neva’s choices are deliberate and driven by practicality or personal taste rather than being meant for show. She's clearly someone who walks the line between both worlds and is self-assured enough to stick with what suits her rather than cleaving to one side or the other.

Her features are classically Sianne, eyes a cool blue, and a waterfall of dark hair streams down her back.

Personality: Neva is an easy person to get along with. Carm and welcoming, if perhaps a little sparing with her words, she’s the sort to always find the time to lend a sympathetic ear or simply her quiet company when needed. Her smiles are warm and freely given but sometimes seem to have a hint of sadness to them, and when caught unawares she can seem to carry a more melancholy air to her than most are used to seeing. Nonetheless she’s very much the sort of person who seems to draw others to them merely by existing. Nobody would ever consider her the life of the party or some charismatic dynamo, but she has a way of playing peacemaker and acting as a stabilising force without others even truly noticing until they find her absent.

In the field she can seem far more intense. A sort of hardness finds its way into the cast of her eyes and her words become more terse and cold. Neva isn’t one to mess about in the face of danger and indeed is prone to taking approaches which are more direct and to the point. Violence is no obstacle to her, and she certainly isn’t the sort to shy from taking the first shot or put honour before results when forced to make hard choices. To some she can seem an entirely different person altogether in the face of adversity.

Fighting Style: Neva’s combat ability centres on the use of her mana-gun. Typically adverse to truly playing sniper and hanging back some distance from the fray, she tends to focus on keeping mobile and using measured shots and water and ice magic to impair her targets and wear them down or thin their numbers before committing with her short sword to finish the fight. Though certainly competent with a blade and experienced in certain fields of Sianne martial arts, Neva is a considerably more effective combatant at range and will aim to keep her distance until she has the upper hand. Ultimately she is more of a cool pragmatist than one driven to hot-blooded heroics.

Neva is very good at ingratiating herself on others and working her way into a unit without making too many waves; she has keen eyesight, a good aim and a strong affinity for mana that leaves her both well suited to a mana-gun and with fair magical potential, and she knows her way around society in both Sias and Mirosse.

Weaknesses: Neva is absolutely abysmal when it comes to sharing her deeper thoughts and feelings with others and is liable to stonewalling them if they take to prying. There’s a certain air of hypocrisy in how she presents herself as open to helping others and receptive to their troubles but outright refuses any help with her own, seemingly happier to live in denial than openly admit her frailties. She’s absolutely the sort who might push herself too hard to try and cover up perceived weakness and then refuse to admit there’s a problem when exposed.

Similarly she has a habit of shouldering burdens without complaint until she breaks, keeping her struggles and doubts hidden until they threaten to bring everything crashing down. Naturally this can lead to all manner of problems when her failings and shortfallings are kept concealed until critical moments or, once again, she’s shown to have seemingly failed to find the trust in others to believe they could be of help.