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Welcome to Blood, Sex, & Gumbo: AV in the Big Easy

18:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kyria Lane

Full Name:  Kyria Lane
Age:  21
Age apparent:  about the same
Gender:  female
Sexuality:  hetero
Occupation:   Professional singer
Languages:   English
Species:   Lycanthrope (wolf)

Family:  Luke Henway (mate)

Overall Appearance:

Human Form:  Kyria is of average height and weight, with medium sized breasts and matching sized hips tapered between to a small waist.  She keeps herself fit with yoga and running around as a wolf.  She has mid-back length medium brown hair with lighter highlights that waves nicely when left down.  For concerts she usually has it up in a cool twist.  She has one tattoo on her left hip where she can cover it with clothing during professional engagements.

Wolf Form:  She is a standard timber wolf, native to the more northern reaches of the continent.  No special markings distinguish her from any other wolf out there.

Height:  5’5”
Weight:  120lbs
Eye Color:  blue/gray
Hair color:  medium brown with lighter highlights
Hair Style:  mid-back length, wavy, casually in a ponytail, professionally in a loose twist
Complexion:  fair
Body shape:  slender with nice curves

Professional:   concert dresses, heels, accentuating jewelry
Casual:  T-shirts, peasant blouses and low riding jeans.  She likes ankle boots and fancy heels probably far too much.

Character Model:  Andrea Deck

History:  Kyria became a wolf completely by accident - she'd been bitten by a dog at the age of 20, panicked, and went to the hospital to get the vaccine.  Next thing she knew, she was being cornered by her room mate and told exactly what was happening to her on the next full moon.  Brought into Okolfra, Kyria had maybe half a dozen full moons and Lupanars before she worked up the courage to ask Luke, a handsome alpha in the Pack, to meet her at a bar.  Chaperoned by Jen, they hit it off extremely well and when the new stranger in town, Trigger, joined them, it seemed like a good idea to take the foursome to the beach.  The chaperones hit it off, next thing Kyria knew she was back at Luke's apartment indulging in wild fun times that, because she was an untrained shifter with little control, ended in both her and Luke shifting, wrecking his apartment (there went his security deposit) and being taken by animal control down to the pound.

Yeah, that wasn't fun.

Lack of proper leadership in the Pack caused both Kyria and her new mate Luke to never get the training they needed to control themselves with sex and with Kyria leaving the Pack a month later, it seemed they wouldn't need it immediately.  Two months after that, she was back in the Pack's new town of New Orleans, with a new Pack name of Rougarou, and back with Luke.  Still untrained.  Still in love.  And with a brand new ability that she needed that control even more for.