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Welcome to Coupled in Zombieland (Under Construction)

15:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OG Coco Elvis

Name:"Coco Elvis" zap "Bloody hell... That's my professional name.  And before you ask.  No.  I am not a stripper.

Age: "Twenty One" zap "Ouch! What the actual fu..." Coco rolled her eyes and mumbled. "Fine. Twenty four."
Height:  "Five ten. No no no wait!  Nine.  Five Nine." zap"Really!? Eight and three quarters is practically nine!"
Weight: "Yeeaaaah.  You should just crank up the voltage and end this interview now or move along."
Hair:  "Brunette"  She smiles brightly having given her first non zappy answer.
Eyes: "Amber"  Coco flashes two fingers toward the camera and mouths the words "two for two bitches".
Sexuality: "Totally straight." zap "Okay?!... like...  practically completely straight." zap ".... mostly?" Coco cringes with momentary uncertainty, takes a deep breath of relief and smiles brightly.  "Totally.  Mostly straight."
Sector: Bounces a single finger in the air. "Numero Uno." And winks at the camera.
Education: "I would describe it as a healthy mix of pre and post apocalypse public education.  And I served as head apprentice.." ZAP " apprentice.....for the famed designer Jean Baptiste Romero before starting my own line."
Occupation: Fashion Designer.  One of the most talented..... you know what.  As hot as these little zaps are I think I'll skip this one and leave it at Fashion Designer."

Zombie Survival Rating (1-10):

Background Questions

1. Tell us a little about your life before the Pillars landed and the Sectors formed.
"Honestly life before the Pillars sucked in the worst kind of way.  Not sector two "I could get raped and murder at any second" sort of suck but pretty bad."

"How so?"

"I'm glad you asked Pat."zap "May I call you Pat?" Coco hurried along never allowing the host to answer.  "You see when the Zombies started munching on people I was one of the first to get bit.... better.  Better from the disappointment that all of my friends and family had just been.. well you know.  Murdered."  She waved her hand in an animated effort to gather her thoughts.  To add just enough to what she had said not to get zapped.  "Better may be an over statement but I honestly don't remember those first few weeks other than my Nanny taking care of me in some sort of camp."

"Your parents?"

"My parents were on holiday and my sister was away at university.  I'm not sure what happened to them but I do know that without the pillars I probably wouldn't be here today."

2. Zombie education from ages K thru 12 has been a mainstay in public schools for almost a decade now. Share with us a memorable story from your own educational experience.
"Well there was this one time at Zombie camp.  And no Pat don't get too excited because this story does not involve a flute.... not this one." Coco winked at the camera. "Anyway we were pretty far out in Zone 3 studying Zombie migratory habits when all of the sudden an unscheduled power reduction at the Pillar happened.  And those Zombies just started doing the most.  They went from shamblers to runners..." Coco snapped her fingers. "Like that."

"What happened?"

"What do you think happened Pat?  Everyone got a quick reminder of what life would be like with out the Lunarian Pillars to protect us.... Granted most people died just seconds after getting that reminder but you know." Coco gave the host an apologetic shrug. "The rest of us got something out of it."

3. Every Sector is a little different and wonderful in its own way. Tell us a little about your life thus far in your Sector.
"Okay.  I know this can be a sensitive subject for everyone not from sector one.  I mean was the culling bad?" Coco shrugged as if not fully convinced. "Maybe.  I mean I'll be honest.  Mostly because I'm hooked up to a machine that will zap me if I'm not.  And my nips are already prrrreeeetty tingly.  But I wouldn't want to be stuck in any of those other sectors either."

"Yes but what makes your sector special?"

"Well... because we're Sector one Pat.  We got the long straw."

4. What are few things for which you are most thankful?
"Easy one.  Pillars, pillars and pillars.  Oh! And for any Lunarians that would like to check out my latest collection at wwww.coco-elvis/"

Personality Questions

1. What is the first thing most people notice about you?
"My ass?  I don't know Pat what did you notice first?  My winning smile or charming personality?"

2. What is the one thing that people don’t notice about you right away but you wish they would?
"My winning smile and charming personality." zap

3. How do you typically spend your leisure time?
"I work out a little.  Running sort of helps clear my mind so when it is time to work I can be at my best.  And well it's the zombie Apocalypse.  What is it they say?  You don't have to be the fastest just don't be the slowest."

4. What are some of the most important qualities that you are looking for in a potential romantic/survival partner?
"Someone that actually knows how to survive maybe? And he needs to not be an idiot."

5. Describe one thing about yourself that until now only your best friends knew.
"That I can burp the alphabet." zap "Fine.  I can get to O but I'm working on it.

6. What are a few of your likes?
"Zombie slaying!." ZAP "Sorry sorry.  The tingle was starting to fade.  Basically I love what I do.  Being a designer and living in sector one lets me do a little shopping, go to the occasional club and drink a little wine.  Again... long straw.  I like the long straw Pat.

7. What are a few of your dislikes?
"Just a few bitches I went to school with.  Aaaand maybe a few I've worked with.  But other than that I'm good.

What are a few of your fears?
"Rats, snakes, spiders and Zombies.  In that order."

What are a few fun facts about you that a potential match might want to know?
"Umm that I'm a slutty drunk?" Coco laughed and waved her hand. "No no not really."zap "Bloody hell! I'm not!."zap   "I'm not!."ZAP