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Welcome to The Hunters Lodge (Guild)

19:49, 18th February 2025 (GMT+0)

De Van Kinby

De Van Kinby is a tall well built elf.  He almost seem the size of stocky average sided human.  However his very light blond hair which is almost white and pointed ears that stick out from under it clearly shows he is an elf. His face is long and pointed.  His eyes are light green. His skin is fair.  It does show that it has had lots of sun on it even if it's tone has not changed much. His mouth is either in a big smile or a big frown.  Depending on him being involved in what going on or if he fall into deep thought.  This is when far away worried, sad look crosses his face.

He wares a set of elven plate mail.  By his side is scabbard with simple Longsword.  On his back is longbow and a quiver of arrows.  On his left arm is big heavy metal shield.  The sheild is however plain with no symbol of who or what he serves.  Just well polished metal any dwarf would be proud of.