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19:38, 18th May 2024 (GMT+0)

Elliot Coleman

Name: Elliot Coleman
Nicknames: Elle
Face/Model Claim: Kate Siegel
Age: 35
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual, with a stronger leaning towards females
Nationality: Canadian
Hometown: Montreal, Quebec
Relatives: All of her family is estranged.

Job: Former Owner and Operator of a small farm shop, selling produce and butchered meats. After she lost her shop, she waited tables and tended bar at a club in Montreal.
Skills: Serving, tending bar, can sell anything to anyone.
Weapon(s): No weapons.

Height: 5'8" tall
Weight: 145 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dark Brown

Scars/Marks: A few beauty marks on her face. A three inch scar on her left breast. (see history)

Appearance: Thick, dark hair past her shoulders, pale green eyes, porcelain skin. Despite her eyes and skin being pale in color, there is still a dark, mysterious way about her, and it's clear from her personality and the way she carries herself that she likes to keep her cards close.

Personality in Brief: Elliot never met a person she couldn't talk to. With the gift of gab that so frequently aided her in the sales at her farm shop, she was always the flame in the room, and everyone else the moths. With her charm and sunny smile, she could sell anything to anyone, and then upsell them afterwards. However, in her personal life, Elliot is far more guarded but no less mystifying. Still the flame, she chooses to burn the moths that she finds unworthy.

Flaws: Prone to panic attacks and depression, her anxiety has ruled her life thus far. Though she may appear okay and confident on the outside, she's a constant worrier and is frequently unsure of herself.

Any Other Notes:

- She carries a French Canadian accent.

- She was married for a brief time and knew walking down the aisle that it was never going to work.

- Knows her way around a garden.

- Feels at ease in the company of those similar to her.


When Elliot was born, her parents had hoped that she would be their son, as their first born. They'd had only a male name picked out, having been that convinced that she would be born a boy. However, to their surprise, Elliot was female and having been set on the name, they decided to go through with naming her Elliot, and simply called her Elle for short. Brothers followed after her. Four of them, in fact. From a young age, Elliot knew that she was different from others. She couldn't quite put her finger on how she was different, but she felt it and that was enough. Growing up a tomboy in the city of Montreal, much to her mother's dismay, she cared more about playing with the boys than she did about playing with her female peers.

Attending Catholic school was one of Elliot's most challenging periods in her life. She no longer got to play with the boys, and had to adapt to relating with her female peers. It hadn't been easy, but she finally became friendly with a girl by the name of Jennifer. Soon, the pair became fast friends and were inseparable. Attending every class together and spending time together after school was their daily routine. Jennifer taught her about how to wear makeup and get away with it at the school, and gushed about the boys that she liked to Elliot. Elliot only marginally related to her attraction to boys. In her teenaged years, Elliot found herself more lost than any other time in her life, her confusion about how different she was coming to a head.

Catholicism taught her that homosexuality was a sin and so she buried any attraction she had to the other girls, punishing herself with negative thoughts about who she was and how bad she was. She prayed to God to alleviate her affliction and went to confession more and more frequently as the years ticked by. She told no one but her priest, and even with the priest, she was vague in her confessions.

When she was seventeen, Elliot received news from Jennifer that she'd been accepted at a university in a different province. They decided to spend their last night together for a while in grand fashion. Jennifer secretly took a bottle of booze from her parents liquor cabinet and Elliot stole some cigarettes from her father's stash and they drove out to the outskirts of town. That night was spent talking about Jennifer's latest boyfriend woes, drinking, smoking, and laughing. Drunk after only a few drinks and knowing that the night would end, Elliot's caution took the backseat and she tried to kiss Jennifer, whom she had secretly adored for years. She was immediately refused. Not only was she refused, but Jennifer was angry at her for even attempting such an act with her. She went as far as to tell Elliot that if she'd known that she was a "carpet muncher," she never would have been friends with her. Devastated and rejected, Elliot walked home.

Jennifer never spoke to her again.

Having lost her best friend, Elliot was back to being a loner and repressing her sexuality. She'd had boyfriends in her early adulthood but it was when she was twenty two that she met Ryan during her last year at university. A transfer student from Saskatchewan, she became close with him and they were soon best friends. Her family often teased her that Ryan was in love with her but she always told them that it just wasn't like that between them. Still, her parents and brothers told her how much of a catch he was and when Ryan finally got up the nerve to ask her to go out on a date with him, she accepted because it had just seemed like the right thing to do, even if it didn't feel right.

During the next couple of years, Elliot knew what it felt like to love someone so much...however not be in love with them. She loved Ryan, deeply...but she wasn't in love with him. Everyone else was. He got along with her parents, and even learned Quebec French in order to communicate more effectively with her parents. Ryan and her father frequently watched baseball games together and when Ryan asked her father for his blessing on a potential engagement, her father couldn't have been happier.

When Ryan proposed, once again, saying yes just seemed like the right thing to do. Her family was overjoyed, but Elliot struggled internally. Ryan was attractive and a wonderful provider, but she couldn't shake that something felt wrong about being engaged to him. Regardless, she went through with the marriage, knowing with every step walking down the aisle that it was wrong, but she felt it was too late and didn't want to disappoint her family. Elliot was always the cool auntie, and never a mother. For years, Ryan wanted to have children and Elliot kept telling him that she wasn't ready. She never told him, but the idea of having children with him was like more nails in the coffin.

Two years after their marriage, Ryan's parents perished in a house fire and his inheritance was their estate and the land they owned in Saskatchewan. Dropping her life in Montreal, Elliot moved with her husband to try and work out the estate. The move was supposed to be temporary, however, once they arrived, it was clear that Ryan didn't know what to do with his family's land. Elliot proposed turning it into a farm, where they could raise livestock and grow produce to sell. Ryan wasn't sold on the idea until he saw how much research Elliot put into the craft of butchering and growing crops. The project for their land was now her baby, and Ryan watched her thrive on it. He'd never seen her happier and agreed to her idea.

A few more years passed by and she still refused to have any children, citing the business as her excuse. The farm was thriving and she couldn't slack on it in order to raise children, but when they had more help, she could consider it. They still had several years yet. Ryan grew impatient and the pair began to fight about having children frequently.

Elliot then met a woman named Paige when she came to the shop for the first time and, for Elliot at least, it was love at first sight. She lusted after Paige immediately, growing giddy whenever she was around, and soon, Paige was an almost daily visitor to their farm shop. Elliot looked forward to their short meetings at the shop, always ready to answer any of her questions. Soon, Paige began to linger in the shop and asked more and more questions, striking up conversations with Elliot in order to linger and while Elliot was sure that Paige was doing it on purpose, the sting of Jennifer's refusal was still in the back of her mind, and so she never made a move. Her desire for Paige grew over many months, to the point that she could no longer enjoy sex with her husband unless she was thinking about Paige.

When Paige eventually suggested they hang out one night, to have a girl's night out, Elliot jumped at the chance. Once again, after a few drinks, Elliot drove Paige back to her home, where Paige invited her in for coffee, wanting to be sure that Elliot would be okay to drive the rest of the way home. Still buzzing, as soon as Elliot was in the house, she grabbed Paige and kissed her. Unlike the last time that she attempted to kiss a female, Paige responded in kind and the two slept together. It was better than Elliot had imagined all of those months. Paige had been patient with her and fulfilled all of her needs with a stamina that Elliot had never experienced with Ryan.

She kept her affair secret from Ryan, feeing guilty for lying to him, though she continued to sleep with Paige. Whereas marrying Ryan seemed like the right thing to do and she knew it was wrong, having her affair with Paige seemed like the wrong thing to do but felt so right. For the first time in her life, she finally felt like she was being true to herself.

She knew that if she came clean to Ryan about the affair, that she would lose everything, the farm shop, her marriage, her security, but after having a taste of what it was like to be true to herself, she had to come clean. Sure that she and Paige would be together after only a couple months into their affair, Elliot came clean to Ryan about her affair and her sexuality. He was immediately angry and they had a massive screaming fight. Elliot left and went to Paige's house, telling her what happened, but Paige didn't give her the comfort that she was seeking. In fact, Paige told Elliot that they were having fun and that the drama of her getting divorced was something she didn't want to be involved in. Having been mistaken on Paige's feelings for her, Elliot left and flew back to Montreal.

Her family was even less forgiving than Ryan was, siding with him. Ryan had only said that she was having an affair, not that the affair was with a woman. However, Elliot, in her frequent miscommunications, assumed that he had when they said that they knew about the affair, and when she revealed casually that her affair partner had been a woman, after assuming that Ryan had already outed her, her parents blew up emotionally and her brothers rallied their support behind Ryan.

It was then that she realized that she could count on no one but herself, and she told Ryan he could have everything if she could just sign the papers. She mourned the loss of her livelihood and her life, but she couldn't be false anymore. She signed the divorce papers, giving him the land and the business so that she could be free. She stopped calling her family except for on holidays and birthdays. After a couple of years, she didn't even do that anymore. She took a job waiting tables and tending bar at her favorite club to dance at and went wild, years of pent up sexual frustration coming out as she slept with almost every woman that would have her. She kept her heart protected though. After Jennifer and Paige, she would never let someone in to hurt her like that again, and so her encounters were always short lived and only about stress relief and having fun.

Elliot eventually got herself in trouble with her flirtatious behavior. After hitting on a woman at the club, she was jumped in the back alley behind the club, by the employee exit. Having pissed off the woman's insecure boyfriend with her cocky flirtations, Elliot was thrown to the ground, where she landed on broken glass, the wound on her left breast requiring stitches. There she was kicked until the boyfriend was sure that she got the picture and it earned her a hospital stay of a few days. Since then, she's not as sure in her flirting, preferring to wait for a sign before she goes in.

One night, after sleeping with a woman and promptly giving her the hint to leave and go home afterward, she fell into a deep sleep and when she woke up, she woke up in a forest, covered in snow. For three days she walked the forest, trying to figure out what had happened to her. The changing weather patterns and lack of any ambient animal noise concerned her, and by the end of the three days, she was exhausted. Clothes wet and dirty, hair unkempt, she finally walked as far as she could before she collapsed of dehydration, knowing that whatever happened to her would be the end of her...

Or would it?