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02:57, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Daena Butterwell

Daena Butterwell of House Butterwell has been a Ward of your family, likely since before she could walk.  House Butterwell sent sons to support both sides during Robert's Rebellion, but the one sent to join Robert's cause never made it, resulting in House Butterwell being accounted among the Targaryen Loyalists and among the losers of Robert's Rebellion.  To insure their continued loyalty, the Butterwells were forced to send several of their children to noble houses to act as hostages for their continued good behavior.

At 18, Daena is a pale, very pretty young woman with dark hair and a round face, which is a common trait of the Butterwell line.  Indeed, it is a common jest (usually not within earshot of the Butterwells) that the family has a proclivity towards "rotundity and fecundity", traits that they share with their cattle herds.  Daena has not yet shown a tendency towards the former (although she does have a decided fondness for sweets and pastries) and the latter trait has yet to be tested.

It is  notable that she has mis-matched eyes, one is dark green and the other is purple, which some believe to be a sign of distant Targaryen blood.  She is a skilled seamstress and dress-maker, useful skills given the current penurious state of her House.  She is also a frequent visitor to the Sept and a pious devotee of The Seven, although a wise Septon would not ask her to sing the Song of the Seven, as she is a terrible singer.

Like many children of the Riverlands, she is also a strong swimmer.

House Heraldry:  Barry wavy vert, argent and or
House Words:  "In Loyalty Prospered"

Grandfather:  Lord Arben Butterwell
Grandmother: Lady Jaena Butterwell (formerly House Upcliff)

Father: Aeron Butterwell
Mother: Gwenda Butterwell (formerly House Frey)

Siblings: Symon (male) & Shaera (female) (twins aged 19); Catlyn (female age 17 hostage to House Tully), Karis (male age 16 hostage to House Lannister); Raena (female age 11); Lysa (female age 6).