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Welcome to Adventures in the Flanaess

17:53, 13th May 2024 (GMT+0)

Perna Kobaster

Perna Kobaster has precious little adventuring experience, but plentiful experience fleeing from the consequences of his own occasionally-poor decisions. He has spent most of his time in Nimlee County in Keoland, near where he was born, and where he takes odd jobs and spends the pay on cheap booze. When he can, he likes to travel around the region. He worships Brandobaris and the hero-goddess Charmalaine.

The halfling was thinner than many of his halfling friends, and had a hawkish quality about his face which distinguished him from many of his rounder-faced fellows, and he stood at barely above three feet. His raven-colored, curly hair was often hidden under a hat of merely decent quality. He keeps his fingernails quite clean, and if he grew any hair on his face he would trim it, of course . . .