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Welcome to The rise of house Blackfyre

18:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Corian Baratheon

Name: Corian Baratheon
Titles: Lord
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Homeland: The Stormlands
Current Residence: Dorne
Hair: Dark Brown
Eye Dark Blue
Height: 5'11
Weight: 194lbs

Physical Traits: Corian is just shy of six feet in height with a strong muscular build from years of physical training. He has shoulder length brown hair and dark blue eyes. He is a handsome with strong features inherited from his parents.

Attire: Corian typically wears the standard leathers and boots when not entertaining in court. Preferring to be comfortable over fanciful. Of course when times dictate he dresses to fit the occasion.

Personality: Corian is a kind but intelligent and calculating young man. He is wiling to stand up for what he believes is right. He has a shrewd mind something inherited from his mother, and a strong manner inherited from his father. There is no doubting his parentage a bit of each parent visible in him. Corian has accepted his role as the head of House Baratheon, after his parents untimely death.

Skills/Education: Corian has been schooled in the arts Swordplay, Tactics and Warfare by his father. His mother teaching him the arts of subtlety and intrigue as well. He is familiar with all of the noble houses of Westeros of course his lineage going back for many generations on both sides of his family.

Corian is also a skilled bowman and horseman as well. He is skilled in Mounted combat and on foot wearing the typical heavy armor his position and afford.

History: Corian was the first born of Gendry Baratheon and Arya Stark. Born months after the fall of the Night King, at the hands of his mother. At first his parents had gone their separate ways after the battle his mother seeking to complete her vengeance against those who had wronged her family. Upon learning she was with child though she returned to Gendry and the pair were married.

Corian grew up in the Stormlands but had the opportunity to travel all over the continent of Westeros, his mothers sister Sansa ruling in the North and his Uncle ruling in King's landing. It was his parents intent to ensure their son was well versed in the history of both the Baratheons and the Starks. From an early age he began his training to one day rule in his father's place.

He had a good life the first born of a major house. HE was afforded the best education, and all he needed. Even with the wealth and position of his family his father ensured he was grounded as well. Gendry having grown up working as a blacksmith wanted to ensure his son was familiar with the toil of those who served their household. Part of his education working to craft arms and armor for a time in the family smithy, and other times working with training and breaking horses.

As a result he grew up to be a kind and caring young man willing to fight for what he believes in. Willing to stand up to defend the people of his lands and ensure they are safe and healthy. Always ensuring that his house provides for those who call the lands belonging to his family are treated fairly.