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04:15, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Vylana Melnika

Name: Vylana Melnika
Rank: Commander
Position: XO, USS KItty Hawk
Age: 35
Race: Betazoid
Gender: Female
Eye color: Brown
Hair Color: Black

Physical Description: A woman in her prime, a being in fine shape. Her eyes are so dark brown, they  might as well be black - a clear sign of her Betazoid genes. Her hair is long and black, but usually worn up in a french plait or some other firmly controlled style - all business. She is also small, only just in regulation height, at five feet and two inches. This petite form is misleading, however, as she is physically in excellent shape. Anyone who chooses to judge her prowess based on her height is in for a very quick lesson in why jumping to conclusions is a very foolish way to behave.

Personality: On first meeting, Commander Melnika comes across as a little stuffy. She is clearly a career officer, who is aiming to climb the ladder to greater things, and do so as quickly as she can. She is polite, but rather strict, and may even come across as being a little authoritarian. However, on closer association, it becomes clear that she is not quite as rigid as she seems. She has a deadpan sense of humour that makes it very difficult to tell if she is telling a joke, or if she is saying things that are amusing, but without realising she is doing so. And that is how she likes it. She doesn't want to make it too easy for people to read her.

Which is, of course, highly ironic for someone from Betazed. She is very skilled at reading people, and as a skilled diplomat, her ability to manipulate people is considerable. She is not a selfish person, but when it comes to her work, she is not above bending people around her plans, to get the outcome she desires.

Bio/History: Vylana Melnika was born and raised on Betazed. Her first few years were spent on that planet, but her father being a diplomat, the family ended up traveling a lot, so during her teenage years, she seemed to be constantly on the move, from one planet to another. this gave her something of a passion for travel, and with her family history, it was no surprise when she too opted to aim for a diplomatic career. However, she chose to do so with Starfleet, a decision which has never sat well with her family.

Age 18 - Enters Academy

Age 22 - Completes basic training - major in Intelligence, minor in Communications. Specialist areas: Klingon Species, Vulcan Species, Languages (Klingon, Vulcan, Andorian, Tellarite), Psychology (Klingon), Psychology (Vulcan), Diplomacy (Klingon, Vulcan)

Age 23 - Cadet Cruise

Age 24 - Command Training

Age 25 - Command Training

Age 26 - 28 Serves as Ensign, Starfleet Diplomatic Service on Vulcan.

Age 28 - 30 Serves as Lieutenant in Intelligence and Communications at Deep Space Station K-7. Following the Dominion war, relations with the Klingons and Cardassians deteriorated, and DSS K-7 becomes a vital frontier outpost. Lieutenant Melnika's experience becomes a vital part of the intelligence analysis of Klingon activities, as DSS K-7 is so close to the Klingon border. Her exemplary service results in a promotion to Lieutenant Commander at the end of her two year tour. She requests a transfer to a front line starship, believing her experience would be of more use on vessels directly encountering Klingon activities.

Age 31-33 Serves as Lt. Commander, Chief of Intelligence on board the heavy cruiser, USS Andromeda NCC-1600.

Age 34 - The USS Andromeda is attacked while forming part of the blockade along the frontier between Federation and Klingon space. Heavy casualties are experienced, but the Andromeda manages to hold the line. The crew are held up for general commendation, with several officers singled out for special mention. Lt. Commander Melnika receives field commission to Commander, to take over as Executive Officer for the duration of the tour. The commission is acknowledged and ratified by Starfleet.

Age 35 - After serving one year as XO on the USS Andromeda, Commander Melnika is offered a transfer, and the XO position on the USS Kitty Hawk. She accepts, as she believes she has a greater chance to use her skills, and stand out, aboard a smaller vessel. She plans to be a big fish in a small pool.

Anything else we should know about your character?

1 - Vylana trained at Starfleet Academy in Command, after completing her training with a major in Intelligence, and a minor in Communications. These combined to give her an unusual skillset. Both intelligence and communication training require the student to specialise in specific cultures. Her focus was on Vulcan and Klingon. Indeed, she is one of the few serving officers who has a thorough grasp of Klingon culture, and who can actually speak their language. She makes no secret of her admiration for their culture - or, at least, for the more laudable factors, such as their personal honour and disgust with deceit, betrayal, or cowardice.

2 - Commander Melnika developed an interest in amateur dramatics while at the Academy. She has maintained that interest, and has been part of any dramatic groups at each of her postings. She is not a gifted actress, but is a solid, reliable amateur, with talent enough to be more than capable in productions on board ship. Oddly enough, given her rather cold professional manner, she prefers to appear in comedies. They are possibly one of the few outlets she has for humour. Her most recent role was as Olivia in the Andromeda's dramatic company's performance of Twelfth Night. Her light touch with comedy is rather surprising - though it has been suggested by some of the more cynical members of the crew that she might do better in Jacobean tragedy.

3 - As a full-blood Betazoid, Vylana is extremely empathic, and can feel and analyse emotions with exceptional skill, over a considerable distance. It makes her work as a diplomat all the more successful. She is also telepathic - but like most of her race, she can only communicate mentally with other telepaths, such as other Betazoids, Vulcans, El-Aurians, Letheans, and so forth.