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Welcome to La Villareal Insitute(Adult Freeform)

10:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rex Eriksen

Name Rex Eriksen

Age 28

Gender Male

Role: Student (adult Freshman), works to help with tuition helping run and maintain on-board gyms, athletic areas, fills in as lifeguard, etc.

Appearance:  Rex is 6'3" of toned steel spring. Of late he has let his black hair and beard grow out giving the impression of a biker, which in fact he is. Depending on the situation his brown eyes can either be warm and inviting or cold and pitiless. Frequently in athletic wear, but otherwise relaxing typically wears comfortable, casual clothes. He does have some dress shirts and slacks but might have to hunt for a tie. He has a number of small scars, surgical scars around his right knee, a black line Marine Corps emblem on his right upper arm and a gold crown tattoo on his left shoulder.

Personality: When he doesn't have his 'game face' on Rex is generally good to be around. He can be morose especially if his injury acts up but tries to do that by himself, preferably in the dark. With people he's friendly with he's quick with a compliment or word of encouragement, pat on the back or a neck rub. Off-duty he makes an effort to use non- threatening body language unless something causes him to need to step up.

Bio: Being big got Rex into two things growing up: sports and trouble. Encouraged to enlist to avoid the latest trouble he found what he had been missing in the Marines - focus and discipline. Not to mention the knowledge that no matter how big you are, there's someone tougher.

After the Corps he was recruited for a different kind of fighting. He did a little boxing, a little wrestling before falling into MMA. At first he did well, rising up through the ranks as 'The King' Rex Royal. Until the match where Kong Carlos did a number on his leg and knee. He healed and the surgeons were able to put things back together but warned that further serious injury would be hard to come back from - artificial replacements, screws and the like along with significant impairment.

He reluctantly retired from the ring, his model girlfriend dumped him for a baseball star while he was in the hospital, and after recovery and kicking (mostly) a developing pill habit he has started piecing a life back together. Part of that is trying for a formal higher education, getting on a track he didn't have as much use for before, looking into sports medicine and business.