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Welcome to Midnight in Shackled City

21:50, 7th October 2024 (GMT+0)

Jack Springhill

Jack Springhill

Basic Info
Race: Silverbrow HumanHeight: 6'0Skin: pale
Gender: MaleWeight: 188Hand: Right
Alignment: TNHair:  silverAge:24
Deity:Tyche  Eyes: grey Hp: 91
Classes: Factotum 3 Duskblade 3 Chameleon 1 Xp:

Abilities            Temporary  Advances
Ability  ValueModValueModLevel    Ability
STR15  +2        Level  4+1 int
DEX13  +1        Level  8+1
CON21  +5        Level 12+1
INT22  +6   +    Level 16+1
WIS22  +6        Level 20+1
CHA20  +5                  

  • Subdual Damage: 0
  • Status effects: [list]

  • [/list]

    Initiative:+13 +1+6/+4        +2 

                Total     BaseSizeArmor*ShieldDexDodgeDefNaturalMiscluckinsight 
    Full AC 16   1610  +?  +5+6    +1+?  +?+?    +?????
    Touch  11   1110  +?  +5+6    +1+?  +?+?    +?????
    Flat-Footed 101510  +?  +5+6    +1+?  +?+?    +?????
    Conditional Modifiers:
      [Cunning defense, spend inspiration to boost AC +6 for one round]
    [*Magic spell, gives +6 to AC when cast]






    Fortitude(Con)  +10+4    +5        +    +?+0
    Reflex    (Dex)  +6+4    +1        +    +? +??
    Will      (Wis)  +11+4    +6        +    +? +0
    Conditional Modifiers:
      [Current Chameleon focus adopted:+2 bonus on Fort/Will saves][Cunning insight; +6 to  one save]

    Base Attack Bonus: +5


    Melee:  +8+5  +2      +1      +? 
    Finesse+7+5  +2      +1      +? 
    Ranged:+7+5  +2      +1      +? 

    Knowledge devotion variable bonus to attack/damage***

    Weapon      AttackDamage/TypeCriticalRangeSpecial 
    ^ Guisarme+72d4+3/S     *3          -reach/trip 
    Weapon      AttackDamage/TypeCriticalRangeSpecial 
    ^ spikegauntlet+71d4+2    *3          -EVT-6d6 
    Weapon      AttackDamage/TypeCriticalRangeSpecial 
    ^ MWcomp+2l.bow+81d8+2 /P    *2    120 - ? 




    armor: mitheral shirt +4    +6           -1      ?    30light
    Shield:   *Armor (spell)       +6    +?                 ?       ?-

      [Disguise Aptitude: +2 racial bonus on Disguise is a class skill
    Dragonblood Subtype: Silverbrow humans are of the dragonblood subtype (see page 4).
    Feather Fall (Sp): A silverbrow human can use feather fall 2/ per day
    1 extra feat at 1st level]

      [Factotum: trapfinding; brains over brawn
    Inspiration points 3/3
    cunning insight- attack/damage/save roll,1IP= +6
    cunning knowledge -skill check, 1IP=+3 bonus
    cunning defense - 1 IP= +6 bonus AC 1/rd
    Arcane dilettante (1 spells)

    Arcane attunment
    Armored mage
    Arcane Channeling

    The Smoking Eye Template
    -- +1 to all saving throws. Occipitus is subtly watching out for you.

    -- +1 to all attack rolls.

    -- +1 caster level for all spells and spell-like abilities.

    -- Evil spells affect you as if you were evil, not good. Thus, an Unholy Blight won't hurt you.

    -- Lie in State: If you die, after 1 minute your body disappears and reappears dead but intact in the Skull's eye socket in Occipitus.

    -- Appearance: Your right eye is replaced with a magical flame that gives no heat and does not burn the surrounding flesh. When your eye is open, it gives illumination as a candle. Your vision is unaffected -- you can see through the eye normally. The eye also gives off wisps of bitter smoke, which will make you easier to track by scent.

    [Able learner(1),Practiced spellcaster, combat casting(b); quick reconnoiter; planar touchstone ]


    Skill Tricks (2 skill points each)
      [Collector of stories; Estatic fervor, swift concentration ]

    (class skill Max Rank = Level+3
    cross class skill Max rank = (level+3)/2
    “c” denotes a class skill, Total “--” Trained only








     Appraise            Int+07+6010000NA0
     Auto-hypnosis      Int+14+6050200NA 0
     Balance            Dex+11+6050000-1 0
     Bluff              Int+11+6050000NA 0
     Climb              Str+08+6020000-1 0
     Concentration      Con+17+5120000NA 0
     - type?            Int+00+6000000NA 0
     - type?            Int+00+6000000NA 0
     - type?            Int+00+6000000NA 0
     Decipher Script    Int+09+6020000NA 0
     Diplomacy          Cha+11+5040400NA 0
     Disable Device      Dex+16+6100000-1 0
     Disguise            Cha+10+5050200NA 0
     Escape artist      Dex+08+6020000-1 0
     Forgery            Int+09+6020000NA 0
     Gather Information  Cha+10+5050200NA 0
     Handle Animal      Cha+05+5020000NA 0
     Heal                Wis+07+6020000NA 0
     Hide                Dex+21+6100005-1 0
     Intimidate          Cha+12+5070200NA 0
     Jump                Str+08+6020000-1 0
     Knowledge: Collector of stories, cunning
     - Arcana            Int+12+6050000NA 2
     - Dungeoneering    Int+12+6050000NA 2
     - Engineering      Int+09+6020000NA 2
     - Geography        Int+09+6020000NA 2
     - History          Int+09+6020000NA 2
     - Local            Int+12+6050000NA 2
     - Nature            Int+12+6050000NA 2
     - Nobility          Int+12+6050000NA 2
     - Planes            Int+12+6050000NA 2
     - Psionics          Int+11+6040000NA 2
     - Religion          Int+12+6050000NA 2
     - Type              Int+00+6000000NA 0
     - Type              Int+00+6000000NA 0
     - Type              Int+00+6000000NA 0
     Listen              Wis+13+6050002NA 0
     Move Silently      Dex+21+6100005-1 0
     Open Lock          Dex+17+6100000NA 0
     - Act              Cha+11+5080000NA 0
     - Comedy            Cha+00+5000000NA 0
     - Dance            Cha+00+5000000NA 0
     - Keyboard instr.  Cha+00+5000000NA 0
     - Oratory          Cha+00+5000000NA 0
     - Percussion instr.Cha+00+5000000NA 0
     - Sing              Cha+00+5000000NA 0
     - String instr.    Cha+00+5000000NA 0
     - Wind instr.      Cha+00+5000000NA 0
     - Type              Wis+00+6000000NA 0
     - Type              Wis+00+6000000NA 0
     - Type              Wis+00+6000000NA 0
     Psicraft            Int+09+6000200NA 0
     Ride                Dex+09+6030000-1 0
     Search              Int+21+6140000NA 0
     Sense Motive        Wis+10+6050000NA 0
     Sleight of Hand    Dex+10+6020200-1 0
     Spellcraft          Int+11+6020200NA 0
     Spot                Wis+15+6100002NA 0
     Survival            Wis+08+6030000NA 0
     Swim                Str+08+6020000-1 0
     Truespeak           Int+08+6020000-1 0
     Tumble              Dex+10+6040000-1 0
     Use Magic Device    Cha+08+5050000NA 0
     Use Psionc Device  Cha+08+5050000NA 0
     Use Rope            Dex+10+6030000NA 0
    Notes:Brains over Brawn (Ex):..gain your Intelligence bonus as a modifier on Strength checks, Dexterity checks, and checks involving skills based on Strength or Dexterity, such as Hide, Climb, and Jump.
    Languages: Common; Draconic; Goblin; Auran; Terran; Elven; Dwarven        

    Arcane Attunment: 9/day
      [dancing lights, detect magic, flare, ghost sound, and read magic]

    Duskblade SPELLS
    spell Levelspell Save DC   
    0 1  
    1 1  

    Duskblade spell Lists
    • 0th Level: Acid splash, disrupt undead, ray of frost, touch of fatigue
  • 1st Level: Jump; chill touch; shocking grasp; true strike

    Chameleon *Currently active: Divine

    Arcane Focus spell Lists
    • 0th Level:
  • 1st Level:
  • 2nd Level:
  • 3rd Level:

    Divine Focus spell Lists
    • 0th Level:create water (2); read magic (2)
  • 1st Level: entropic shield (2); lesser vigor (2)
  • 2nd Level: align weapon, enthrall, lesser restoration, shatter,
  • 3rd Level: MoonBlade

    Arcane dilletante ( spells/1st level)
      1) Armor Spell (Bulwark of reality)]

    (100 CP = 10 SP = 1 GP = 1/10 PP)
    CPSPGP    PP
    • Gems: none
    • Jewelry: none
    • Misc.:

    Value    <Item>                NumberWeightLocation / Notes
             Total Value >                 Total Weight

    Loot: (arrows modified to)
    Stonebiter arrows +1 (adamantite, 30, 6gp per for 180gp total, 90 if sold ) This projectile, which glows with a faint blue light (as many magic items do when in proximity to the Shadow), are ridged using mithril on adamantite
    ....... They can be fired like grappling hooks

    Oil of mending 10/10 (the peat collected acts as this, per same post

    Snakeskin boots +1, knee-high. These boots are immune to change from without, and spin with a perfidy similar to Rorschach's mask from Watchmen, green and blue patterns swirling together and are thus known as Springy Earth Boots. You get the impression someone left them here when trvaelling by bone strider, which creates a tear in the magical fiber, changing the nature of magical combat. The shops set up in Highwall sell these and so you suspect those making the Tithe are attempting to hide from the gods by travelling through crowded spaces. But now again it's just the bulwark of the luminescent stone from which you were able to dip the Highwall arrows.
    (Reference ?)

    Standard gear 3K worth
    Standard Adventurer’s Kit (15 gp)
     Backpack 2 gp
     Belt pouch 1 gp
     Bedroll 1 sp
     Flint and steel 1 gp
     Silk rope (50 ft.) 10 gp
     Sunrods (2) 4 gp
     Trail rations (10 days) 5 gp
     Waterskin 1 gp

     Holy symbol 1 gp
     Spell component pouch 5 gp
     Spellbook 15 gp
     MW Thieves’ tools 100 gp

     MW composite (+2) longbow 500 gold
     Arrows MW cold iron 200   (10 arrows cost 140 gold)
     Arrows MW blunt 200
     Mitheral Shirt 1,100 gold
    -camoflage 300 gold
    -muffled 300 gold

    Antitoxin (X4)
    Antivenom (X4)
    Holy water(X4)
    Universal Solvent Price: 50 GP Weight: --(DMG)

    Sprayer Price: 15 GP Weight: 4# (Arms & Equipment Guide p. 25)
    -Spray a 10' long cloud of oil, holy water, an inhaled poison area effect, --essentially a 5' x 10' line

    Torch Bug Paste(x4) 100 GP Wt:0(Complete Scoundrel p. 120)
    -Thrown splash weapon, non-magical faerie fire effect, which pinpoints invisible -creatures and completely negates concealment.
    Candle, Insectbane (x10, 1 SP ea.) Price:1 GP Weight:0(Arms&EquipmentGuide p. 21)
    Auran Mask 60 gold (Complete Mage p. 134)
    --Provides a +5 circumstance bonus against inhaled toxins (which stacks with -----Antitoxin), but this is easily overshadowed by 10 minutes of water breathing

    Expandable Pole 5 GP Wt 1# (Song & Silence p. 53)
    Fast Torch (x3, 15 gold) 1.5# (Complete Mage p. 134)light fire as s swift action.

    2 Sundark Goggles 20 GP Wt:0 (Races of the Dragon p. 123) Never take the Daylight -Adaptation feat ever again.

    MW set of back up spiked gauntlets
    (3) Clubs 1d6 ×2 10 ft. 3 lb.Bludgeoning
    MW cold iron Morningstar

    Magical gear 10K worth---
    +1 guisarme of twirling 4K

    body slots
    head -
    face - .
    shoulder -
    cloak - cloak
    neck/throat - chronocharm of the horizon walker 500 gold
    body - mitheral shirt (muffled, camoflaged)
    arm -
    hand - +Spiked dragonshard warning gauntlet 4K
    ring 1 - ring
    ring 2 - Ring
    waist -
    feet -  +1 boots "of walking"

    Ioun Stone, Dull Grey (burned out)(DMG 3.0)
    A burned-out ioun stone (25 GP) no longer confers any magical effects, but it does still float around. will be getting continual flame/light cast on it other PC's

    Wands: 750 gold each none

    Trapsmith scrolls (for my spellbook)
    1st level- cat's grace, clairaudience/clairvoyance, fox's cunning, gaseous form, haste, knock, protection from energy.
    2nd level -dimension door, lesser globe of invulnerability, Otiluke's resilient sphere, stoneskin, stone shape.
    3rd level -break enchantment, fabricate, greater dispel magic, wall of stone.

    Ipecac: Price: 50 GP Weight: --(Expedition to Castle Ravenloft p. 209)
    If you ever get swallowed by a creature, empty this into its stomach. The creature is forced to regurgitate you, and is nauseated for 1d4 rounds, no save. It can also be used to induce vomiting after ingesting a poison, giving a +5 untyped bonus to the secondary effect. Each vial contains 10 doses.
    Craft (Alchemy) DC: 25

    Spiked gauntlet (warning and bloodstone)
    Price: +1 bonus
    Property: Weapon
    Caster Level: 7th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 18) transmutation
    Activation: —Four glass eyes circle this weapon, each watching a different direction. A warning weapon grants you a +5 insight
    bonus on initiative checks as long as itis held.
     Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cat’s grace.
    Cost to Create: Varies.

    Price: +1 bonus
    Property: Melee weapon
    Caster Level: 10th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 20) necromancy
    Activation: Free (command)
    The blade of this weapon bears red crystals carefully inlaid in intricate designs.
    A bloodstone weapon can store and cast a vampiric touch spell against a creature
    it strikes, just as if it were a spell storing weapon (DMG 225). Any such spell cast
    from a bloodstone weapon is automatically empowered (as if by the Empower Spell feat).
    A bloodstone weapon can store no more than one such spell at any time, and it cannot
    store a spell other than vampiric touch.
     Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Empower Spell, vampiric touch.
    Cost to Create: Varies.

    +1 Guisarme of Whirling
    Price: +1 bonus
    Property: Slashing melee weapon
    Caster Level: 11th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 20) transmutation
    Activation: Full-round (mental)
    The hilt of this weapon is twisted into a corkscrew design, and its blade is dramatically
    Three times per day, you can use this weapon to make a whirling attack that has a chance of striking all
    nearby opponents. Instead of making your regular attacks, you instead make one melee attack at your full
    attack bonus against each opponent within reach of the weapon.
    This property otherwise functions like the Whirlwind Attack feat.

    Travel Cloak
    Price: 1200 GP
    Weight: 1#
    (Magic of Faerun p. 166)
    Provides trail rations 3/day, a flask that produces up to 2 gallons of cool water or sugared hot tea per day, endure elements against cold, and can be transformed into a one-person tent 1/day.
    Skill tricks
    You've heard so many tales of legendary monsters that you remember all sorts of gory details.

    Prerequisite: Knowledge (any) 5 ranks.

    Benefit: When you attempt a trained Knowledge check to identify a creature or to learn its special powers or vulnerabilities, you gain a +5 competence bonus on the check.

    You can ignore pain when casting spells in combat.
    Prerequisite: Concentration 8 ranks.
    Benefit: If you take damage while casting or maintaining a spell, you apply only half the damage to the DC of the subsequent Concentration check required to continue the action. For continuous damage, you apply only one-quarter the total damage to the DC for 1 round.

    You can maintain your mental focus while attending to another task.
    Prerequisite: Concentration 12 ranks.
    Benefit: You can maintain concentration on a spell or similar effect as a swift action.

    Quick Reconnoiter
    (Complete Adventurer, p. 112) [General]

    You can learn a lot of information from just a quick scan of an area or object.
    Listen 5 ranks, Spot 5 ranks,

    You can make one Spot check and one Listen check each round as a free action. You also gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks.

    Using Spot or Listen in a reactive fashion is a free action, but actively trying to make a Spot check or Listen check requires
    a move action.

    Forge a link between you and power-rich planar locations, referred to as planar touchstones (see Planar Touchstones, page 153).

    Prerequisite: Portable object of at least 250 gp value native to any designated planar touchstone site, Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks.

    Benefit: Choose any site designated as a planar touchstone for which you also possess an object native to that location, as noted in this feat’s prerequisite. When this feat is first taken, forging a link between yourself and a chosen planar touchstone takes 24 hours of uninterrupted concentration. To forge a link, you must spend 10 experience points and expend the object described in this feat’s prerequisite. Once the link is forged, you gain the base ability described for that touchstone. If you physically visit the planar location once you’ve forged a link, you also gain a higher-order ability with a limited number of uses, as described for that planar touchstone. You may repeatedly visit the planar touchstone, each time recharging your usages of the higher-order ability. Usages of a higher-order ability do not stack, so visiting your planar touchstone prior to using up any of your higher-order usages confers no additional benefit.

    Once you’ve established a link with one planar touchstone site by taking this feat, you may also freely visit other planar touchstones. When you do so and fulfill the higher-order ability’s recharge condition for the alternate site, you immediately gain the base ability of the new planar touchstone site and lose the base ability of the previous site. You also lose any remaining uses of the higher-order ability of your previously selected site (if any), and instead gain the specified number of higher-order ability uses appropriate to the new site.

    In this way, you can “unplug” from one site and “plug in” to a new planar touchstone site as often as you desire. Thus, after expending the raw materials and experience points for making your first connection, making subsequent connections with different sites is as easy as fulfilling the higher-order recharge condition.

    Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time, you gain the base ability to retain one more planar touchstone location in addition to your previous ability. You also gain the capacity to retain uses of one more planar touchstone’s higher-order ability. Thus, you could retain the base abilities for both the Breaching Obelisk and Echolost (planar touchstone locations described in Chapter 7), as well as both sites’ higher-order uses, simultaneously.

    If you then visit a third planar touchstone and fulfill its recharge condition, unless you have taken this feat three times, you must choose which of your two previous touchstone site abilities to lose when you gain the abilities of the third touchstone site.

    *Catalogues of Enlightenment
    Base Ability: Choose a cleric domain; you gain the granted power of that domain.
    Granted Powers: You gain the uncanny dodge ability, allowing you to retain your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, you still lose your Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If you have another class that gives you uncanny dodge, your cleric levels add to that class’s level for determining when you gain the improved uncanny dodge class feature.

    Next level: Chameleon 2
    D8   +1BAB
    4+int skill points
    +1 ability score increase TBD
    Spells per day increase +1 1-1st, +1 1-2nd
    Bonus Feat (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain a bonus feat. You must meet the prerequisites for this feat. At the start of each day, you can choose to change your bonus feat to any other feat for which you meet the prerequisites.