
Character Sheet
Land Holdings (If any): N/A
- Weapons: Hand Ax, Fighting Spear, Double Curved Bow
- Armor: A Chain Shirt and Round Shield; she only dons these when she knows she is going into battle.
- Clothing: Wools, leathers and furs that show more skin than she is used to showing. Her original clothing was suited toward colder environs. She has replaced these as she has journeyed south, but still leans towards wools, leathers and furs.
- Mount: A stocky draft horse and appropriate riding gear along with a pack mule. She picked these up after losing her Ram.
Special Possessions/ Heirlooms: N/A
Character Description: Young, beautiful and defiant, Eisa has piercing green eyes burning with determination. She has full lips and unblemished fair skin, while her flaming red hair is worn wild or in braids and is long enough to reach the small of her back. Though obviously feminine and on the shorter side for a Nordheimer, she is surprisingly strong. Her lithe female body hides toned muscles that are only apparent when she's not in her traditional northern furs.
Personality: Eisa is strong, defiant, and proud, like her people. Among her battle sisters she had been known as carefree, playful and easy going. A young woman who always took the greatest pleasures from life. But her duty to find her niece and her journeys away from her homeland have made her harder and more serious. She is no longer innocent, and sees the evils of the wider world more clearly. Now she is determined and methodical. Still, she didn't expect to be gone so long, and at this point she doesn't see an end to her journey. Unhappy and homesick, Eisa has a tendency to lose herself in drink and, from time to time, debauchery. She is beginning to lose hope of ever going home, but she will never give up.
History: Eisa is one of the elite Ramjomfru warrior maidens of the Fjellfolk (mountain people) who live isolated from other Nordheimers in the Blue Mountains of that land. Dwelling in scattered villages high on dangerous crags and cliffsides, they generally keep to themselves, only coming down from the mountains to raid the lowland villages of the Vanir and Aesir and steal away the strongest and choicest of their menfolk. These they use as breeding stock, and as a result they share ancestry with both groups of Nordheimers.
While culturally similar to other Nordheimers, the Fjellfolk are Clan based and matriarchal. Each village Clan is led by a single chieftainess and her battle sisters, made up of the elite Ramjomfru (Ram Maidens). Men are generally second class citizens, serving as farmers, laborers and foot soldiers when necessary. But only the women of the clans inherit the Beast Calling and may bond with the creatures of the mountains. These become Ramjomfru--mounted women warriors who ride on the backs of the great white rams the size of horses and who are called upon to lead raids and protect the villages when threatened.
Eisa's ram was named named Plikt ("Duty"). The ram was the size of a draft horse and pure white, with great horns as tall as a man. In the mountains it could scale cliffs in feats that seemingly defy gravity and outpace any horse. From its back Eisa and the other Ramjomfru are able to shoot from its back and is skilled at mounted combat.
Eisa was the younger sister to Katla, chieftainess of the Ylva Clan--the Clan of the Wolf. Due to her considerable skill and despite her age, Eisa also had considerable rank and was considered first among the Ramjomfru in her clan. She had successfully led many raids on the nearby villages of the lowlanders. As such she had her choice of mates, though she was young enough to have not yet taken a husband. Young, beautiful and strong, she also had many suitors among the other Ramjomfru, who often took one another as lovers and formed strong bonds that served them well when they went together into battle. She was happy and content, living simply but comfortably, and felt she had achieved all there was to achieve in life.
It was then that the slavers from the south came to her mountain home. Shorter than her people and swarthy, they were not from Nordheim, Cimmeria or the northern kingdoms. Whether they came deliberately or stumbled upon the Fjellfolk was not known, but they came with offerings and gifts for the Chieftainess. They were welcomed into the village as guests and invited to the village's great hall, where they were honored and entertained with song, drink, and a mock combat. In the middle of the night they did their dirty deed, sneaking into the house of the Chieftainess to make away with her young daughter, Sif. It was only morning when the crime was discovered. Search parties were sent out to find them but came back empty handed. The slavers had disappeared without a trace.
As first among the Ramjomfru, Eisa was honor bound to rescue Sif. She made an oath to her chieftainess and her sister to bring Sif back. She would leave the village and search for as long as it took. If Sif was harmed she would avenge the Clan by killing anyone and everyone involved. She would never give up until her tasks were completed, lest dishonor befall upon her and her entire Clan.
Sheltered in her mountains, Eisa didn't know not to take Plikt when she set out in search of Sif. She was inexperienced and knew nothing of the greater world. It made her slow and obvious, as the creature was strange to those in other lands and ill suited to non-mountainous terrain. During her time in Cimmeria, after only a few weeks into her search, the magnificent beast was killed by the people of that land for its meat. This nearly broke Eisa, whose bond to the creature was strong and whose self-identity was strongly tied up in her role as Ramjomfru. She could do nothing however but proceed on foot.
It has been over a year since Eisa set out to look for Sif. Her search has led her to the Border Kingdom and to Cragsfell. Sif is now three years old. Eisa has little to go on, save that she can identify Sif by a birthmark and her red hair, and that the slavers were dark of skin and hailed from places beyond Cimmeria to the south. Early on in her search she caught up to a couple of the slavers, but they were low level and no longer with the others. They did not have the girl, but they let slip that they were hired specifically to kidnap Sif. She was targeted. But they didn't know who had hired them, save that their contact was in the Border Kingdoms. Eisa killed them with as much mercy as possible as payment for their aid. She is now searching the Border Kingdoms for any sign of her niece, hiring herself out for food and coin to support herself as she searches.
Eisa's Hand Ax

Eisa's Spear

Eisa's Shield

Eisa's Bow

Game Notes:
Things that have come up in play, captured here so I remember them.
- Mother: Åse
- Sister: Katla
- "The Beast Calling...It's something Fjellfolk women receive when we have our first blood. We are called to the mountain by Atali, daughter of Ymir. We go alone, unarmed and without provisions, into the frigid cold of the night to seek the wisdom and blessing of the Frost Giant's daughter. Most Callings last several nights, and those that are favored by Atali will be protected and kept warm by the beasts of the mountain--the wolves, bears, great elk or the giant rams--and from that point forward animals of all kinds will not fear us and favor us in all things. Many of us will have visions of the goddess herself, or of mighty spirit beasts who will watch over us, or else of fates that may befall us or our clan. Upon our return to the village the elders will take us to pens that hold male lambs of the Great White Sheep of the Mountain, and one will choose us. That young lamb will grow to become a Great White Ram, and will become our companion and future mount for when we become Ramjomfru."
- "Only a woman can be equal to a woman," Eisa said without irony or doubt. She said it as if it were obvious, and nothing in the world could be more certain. As she continued she got a wistful look in her eyes. Her words started slow and even, but became more and more impassioned as she spoke them. "When a Ramjomfru chooses another as her lover, it is because they are drawn to one another by their mutual strength. Their lovemaking is a thing of beauty: feminine bodies straining against one another, each seeking her partner's pleasure as much as her own. They test one another, and push one another, power against power, each making the other stronger than either would be alone. Their passion for each other makes them more potent in battle as well, for each will die to protect the other. Their encounters can be fleeting acts of mutual pleasure or they can form powerful life bonds transcending even that of husband and wife."
- The truth was Eisa had been sleeping with her battle sisters since the age of 16, and experimenting with them from an even earlier age. It was simply part of their culture, and completely normal as far as the redhead was concerned. The idea that others didn't have similar experiences would have surprised her, as she thought nothing of it.
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