
Land Holdings (If any): None. She has lived her entire life on the road.
- Small Fencing Sword and left-Handed Dagger, which she is capable of duel wielding
- Set of Small Throwing Knives (x3)
- Several Sets of Clothing (see description below)
- A small covered wagon drawn by a draft horse. This is her home. It has locked doors and is protected by traps.
Special Possessions/ Heirlooms: TBD
Character Description: It is not hard to guess that the lithe and petite Nahia is born of gypsy stock. She is betrayed by an exotic, olive complexion and sharp features borne from her mixed Zingaran/Zamorian ancestry. She has intense, striking brown eyes, high cheekbones, a sharp jaw, a small upturned nose, and lush, full lips. When she moves her slim and athletic body she does so with catlike grace. Her thin fingers are dexterous and extremely nimble. She has a look about her that lets you know she’s confident and in charge. She is temptation itself, manifested in the body of a nubile young woman. Because of her ancestry and rogue-like nature many would naturally view her through a lens of probably well-placed mistrust. Yet her beauty and alluring charisma are such that many overlook their natural misgivings towards her people in order to gain the opportunity to know her better. Such is the nature of Nahia's charm, wit, and beauty.
Nahia often dresses in clothing people would consider rakish. Loose linen tops that she either wears open or else cover very little and leave little to the imagination. Pants that allow free movement and which she tucks into a good set of boots, or shorts that don't get in the way at all. When not on a job and trying to act more civilized, Nahia dresses in loose, free-flowing skirts in colorful prints and with intrinsic detailing. Her boots are replaced by sandals.
(Note: Nahia Dresses either like my image above, like a "stereotypical Romani" in flowing, bohemian style clothing, or very much as Valeria might in the comics. Click here for a picture of Valeria's costumes: )
Personality: Confident and brash. Daring and sly. Charming and alluring. Nahia knows what she wants and is never afraid to take it. To say Nahia has a strong and assertive personality is something of an understatement. Forceful and direct, the roguish and fun-loving Zingaran caries herself with a light-hearted intensity. She's quick with a witty comment, to laugh, to challenge or cajole. She's never shy, nor does she take herself very seriously. A bit of a hedonist, and more of a hopeless romantic than she lets on, she seeks pleasure for pleasure's sake and adventure where she can find it. She also has a real tendency to get herself into trouble. And yet somehow she always manages to find her way out of it, often by the skin of her teeth.
History: Nahia doesn't know exactly where she was born. Somewhere in the east. Probably on the road. She has vague memories of her mother and father, but hasn't seen either of them since she was a little girl. She was raised by the caravan, anyway. A mixed race people who ultimately drew from Zingarian stock, but mixed with Zamorians somewhere along the way. They never had a true homeland. Home is anywhere you can hang your hat, as they say. She had many fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters. The whole caravan was her family. Who really cares which if any of them were true blood relatives, anyway?
The caravan was always mistrusted in the towns it visited, and for good reason. Nahia grew up plying the trade of her people: trading goods, telling fortunes, selling textiles, stealing what you could if the former owners didn't keep a good eye out. She learned the art of the swindle, to pick a pocket, to haggle, to lure in the unwary. When she was a girl she learned to use her sweet face to trap the unsuspecting. Her beauty served the same purpose when she got older. She also learned to wield a dagger and to fence. Sometimes the deal went south and you needed to run, or defend yourself if fleeing wasn't an option.
Eventually she split off from the others. She couldn't really say why. As she got older she wanted to control her own destiny. It didn't really change the way she lived, though. She had by that time purchased a wagon of her own, and a horse to draw it. She found that she could make a decent living on her own, for while people recognized her for her heritage they were often less frightened by a single young woman than the multitudes that made up the caravan.
She still tells fortunes and trades small baubles as she travels about. And she's never above a good trick or a swindle. But mostly she takes on small jobs, stealing what she can from the wealthy and selling it on the black market. She's especially fond of gemstones and jewelry. It's easy to snatch, small enough to hide, and buyers are often drawn in when she comes upon a particularly beautiful stone or piece.
Nahia didn't plan to come to the Border Kingdoms during the festival. It was really dumb luck that she'd stumbled upon it. But once she heard that a festival was to occur in Cragsfel, and that it was going to draw in strangers from across the land, she set course for the town. Festivals had lots of fools at them. If she found the right fool, maybe she'd strike gold...literally.
Covered Wagon and Nahia's home, locked and full of traps.

Nahia's Draft Horse, Mystic
Wagon Interior

Nahia's Draft Horse, Mystic

Wagon Interior