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Welcome to Adventures in the Border Kingdom of Hyboria

18:13, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)


Character Sheet

Name: Oxiana (?)      Race: Turian (Turanian)
Gender: Female      Homeland: Turan
Age: 22 summers      Archetype: Healer
Height:5'8"      Hair color: Deep brown with near blond widow peaks at temple
Weight: 127lbs      Eye color: Light brown (like light sand)
Descriptor: Brilliant   Flaw: self-sacrificing

Attribute   Value
Cunning       5
Daring          5
Empathy      7
Might           4
Passion        6
Reason         9

Land Holdings (If any): none personally

Special Possessions/ Heirlooms: small healers kit (From Mentor and added to)

Character Description: Her waist length dark brown hair is often kept in a ponytail, held by her blond hair (braided) and a leather tie. She has a pleasant face and figure and a slight tanned skin tone. She is well balanced for a women, if a bit long legged. Often gathering herbs and such she always seems to have some sort of dirt on her even if she was just scrubbed clean. She sports only one tattoo, around her navel of a rather small elegant fanged fish (emblem of the pirates aboard Erliks Fury). Often dressed in her heavy linen thews (pants) that are partially slit and repaired up to midthigh, held with strong leather laces. a simple and often dirt flecked linen blouse that has torn sleeves. She has and often wears good leather gloves and leather shin guards. her leather boots are well worn from her travels. Her leather armor is rather plain, if she wears it. she prefers it a bit scuffed so it does not make a glint in sunlight. she keeps 2 daggers on her and favors a quarterstaff or a loggers pike for weapons.

Personality: Quiet and steadfast. Does her work to the best of her ability. Often ignoring others if she spots an ingredient to make a salve or herbal 'remedy', even a poison to kill if needed. she is steady of hand to sew wounds, and strong enough to pull an arm or leg into place.

History: Born in a small village near the Vilayet sea to a farming family with 4 brothers and an older sister. Unable to keep all mouths fed Oxiana was given to the midwife that delivered her. The old woman raised her, teaching what healing she knew and how to make healing poultices. Oxiana helped heal broken bones and help birth children. soon wars and skirmishes broke out and her adoptive mother, whom preferred being called 'Mentor' was killed aiding warriors. Her sister was taken by slavers (Oxiana was spared as she was taken by those who her Mentor aided), rest of her family was killed save for two of her brothers. Taking what she could she returned home for the first time in 15 years. She had seen the farm many times in passing, but this was the first time her family and she talked. Both were angry and could barely take care of her own families, let alone her. wandering on there was another skirmish and she was captured this time to be sold as a slave by a pirate ship (Erliks Fury). Favor still shined for her as the Captain had died and the first mate wounded (along with others). Oxiana looked at the ships 'healer'. It was clear he was a fool. She stepped forward at risk for her own life and corrected the mistakes he made ensuring his survival. nearly 2 weeks of healing him and others aboard ship they landed at a port for slaves to be sold. Oxiana was kept though and another 'healer' was brought aboard. he was pleased with her 'rustic work' as he called it. being a friend of the first mate (now captain) he taught her more healing techniques. There among the pirates she stayed for several years. Earning their respect she was never touched by any of the crew. Finally, she felt brave enough to leave and forge her own path, the Captain allowed her to leave both earning the others trust. Soon she had travelled here....and her story continues.

(her covered tattoo)