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Welcome to MSH - After the Vanishing

20:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

MSH - After the Vanishing

After the Vanishing is a game set in spring of 2021, 3 years after Thanos snapped away half of all life forms in the Universe.

This has had serious repercussions throughout the world. Half of all people, half of all animals, half of all plants, bacteria, virus', etc, disappeared within moments and left the world (and presumably all worlds) in shambles.

Three years after what has been called by various people "The Vanishing" or "The Decimation", things have stabilized somewhat, but the world is still not what it once was. Most government services have been restored. Social and Public Services are back up and running, but not yet at levels comparable to what they had been. It is a time of difficulty, shortage, and strife, as desperate people compete for resources that are at best still limited.

The United States is better off than many nations, but things are still tight, and the US has already started to reach out to help other nations, much as it has done throughout the last century, further straining already limited resources. President Ellis, despite pressure to concentrate America's limited resources solely at home, has declared that, "The United States has always tried to make the world a better place, regardless of the conditions at home. There is no reason this should end, just because we are struggling now. America must continue to lead the way into a brighter future, both for us, and for the world."

All this together means that between the loss of population, workers in infrastructure, police and military personnel (though predictably, the latter has been somewhat faster to recover), things at a local level are often still stagnating and attempting to recover, sometimes with limited success.

The game is set in Bayview, a medium sized city on the west coast. Bayview was hit just as hard as any city it's size, and despite Federal and State support, has struggled the last few years. Prices are high due to problems with supply. Crime has surged with an overwhelmed and understaffed Police Department struggling to keep up. Recently there have been reports of unusually powerful individuals and groups that seem to be setting up shop in the city, and things are starting to look grim as the Mayor and Council have petitioned for more aid from State and Federal forces to combat what appears to be a more rapid decline into crime and anarchy.

The game opens with three new heroes, recently taking up the mantle for their own reasons, whether they have decided to use their abilities to help preserve their city or have only recently discovered their abilities in the first place. Whether they have come to Bayview in response to the city's need, or already were residents, these new heroes may be the city's only hope.

Will the city of Bayview survive the Vanishing? Will the new heroes be able to help turn the tide of violence and the descent of what was once a thriving community? Or will Bayview fall into the hands of criminals and the desperate as others flee to other cities that may offer safety and better opportunities? This remains to be seen...