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Welcome to Adrift Aboard the Sword's Edge

00:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Adrift Aboard the Sword's Edge

"There are many fine ships upon the Sword Coast, but I say there's none finer than the Sword's Edge. Built with living wood from the Moonshae Isles, hammered together plan by plank by shipwrights in the Baldur's Gate, it stands three decks tall and looks down on some buildings. When you're out on the high seas a violent storm feels meek as rockin' a babe to sleep. It's sailed the entire length and breadth of the Sword Coast and the Edge, she has some stories to tell."
-Artes Fairwind, Captain of the Sword's Edge

Word has gone up and down the whole Sword Coast. Neverwinter has opened her arms to immigrants. Everyone has heard the stories of the horrors that unfolded there ten years ago, many are justifiably skeptical about picking up stakes and moving themselves hundreds of miles north to a city that was once beset for flowing lava, ravenous orcs, and a pit trying to swallow up the city. But people also look for opportunity, and there's no greater opportunity than on those frozen shores.

But first one has to get there.

The fledgling guilds of Neverwinter have commissioned the Sword's Edge, a massive galleon of some reputation, the vessel is providing discounted passage to anyone who is willing to settle in Neverwinter. In prior eras this would have been an offer exclusive to the most skilled craftsmen or wily merchants, but in this period of rebuilding one only needs to have the desire for a better lot in life and the willingness to work hard to achieve it. Along with a handful of coins. Discounted is not free after all.

With this opportunity, you've found yourself upon the illustrious Sword's Edge. It was an amazing journey, you've rubbed shoulders with all manner of people from paupers with hardly rags to their names all the way to nobles who have set out on the journey with trunk loads of riches overseen by trained guards. After weeks at sea, the crew tells you you're only hours away from Neverwinter.

That's when things go wrong.


This game is currently planned to be a stand alone adventure. It may potentially become a longer campaign, but we'll start with a more modest goal. The characters will be trying to set things right on the Sword's Edge before the ship and all its inhabitants end up dashed on a rocky coast.

Or worse.

Character's will be 3rd level.

The game will be accepting five players.