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Welcome to Out Of the Bunkers

08:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Out Of the Bunkers

Okay here's the set up....

The day had started with a crowd of happy excited children taking a tour of the Massive Deep shelter meant to protect them and their parents from anything from a second Yellowstone eruption, to a meteor or asteroid impacting the city.

Dozens of school children wandered the clean, brightly lit halls of the shelter, ate lunch in the food court and gaped in wonder at the huge factories, recycling plants, and underground gardens and fish farms that would feed clothe and employ thousands of their parents for years after a disaster.

  Then there was screaming, yelling, smoke and fire, adults pushed them back down into the tunnels as a mob of frightened adults began to swarm into the shelters and sirens began to blare in the distance.

Their last sight as they were herded back into the shelter was of a wall of fire and dust spreading across the sky, people screaming and clawing at their faces, and others falling over in pain.

 Weeks passed, and the sobs, and screams grew worse as one by one people who had made it into the shelter before the heavy blast doors closed sickened and died, or were twisted and changed a few going mad with pain, rage, and hunger.

nearly twenty years have passed since the sky burned and the doors were sealed. twice the shelters intended life span. Years have passed since those who ventured to the surface returned sick, and broken by some unknown affliction. Or simply did not return.

The halls are no longer brightly lit, they are dirty, dim and lit by flickering dying lamps. The food court no longer serves meals of wholesome tasty food. On bad days there is no food for the largest portion of the people huddled in the dim stinking tunnels.

A few have begun to wonder if the surface may be their only hope of survival, the threat of disease and death no longer hold them in check. A few begin to plan for a bold escape from the hell they are trapped in for the surface. Better they think to risk unknown threats than to live in tunnels for the rest of their lives...

What this game involves.

This game will begin with players forming a group preparing for an escape from the shelter. They are part of a small part of the population who want to be allowed to leave the shelter. coming from every section of the population.

These players may be security, Admin, Emergency services, labor, or scientific sections. All players would have been identified as part of the "Outers" and assigned menial dirty tasks to keep them well away from other dissidents. assigned to the deep tunnels where they work and live in the worst parts of the shelter system.

The first section of the game would be the escape, once outside the players would face hunger, predators, hostile locals, and something far more insidious. A force that is changing and warping anyone who comes into contact with it, in various ways.

Players would be affected by this "force" slowly mutating, gaining abilities and mutations as they try to survive the outside. These changes would be gained without their in game knowledge and would for the most part be random and unknown to the players until they begin to get clues in game.

Players would be allowed to make a list of things they would rather not have happen or that would turn them off the game.

They would also be optionally allowed to pick a path but once chosen it can't be changed and will only provide the GM with some rough guidance.


What players should keep in mind
physical changes, slight or severe may occur to your character.
THE GM IS NOT OUT TO GET YOU....only challenge and entertain.
and maybe maul and mutilate you occasionally:D
Good Role Play WILL be rewarded
team work, and group cohesion will be key
Choices Have consequences.
Friction and player quarreling are fine but they have to work together.
Loners may not be a good idea
Be ready to see your character physically or mentally evolve/mutate without direct input.
Character creation does not end it is an ongoing process
Exploration is good, but it's risky.
What is over the next hill might save your life, or try to end it.
The GM is not always right, he's human, and he's not perfect, but he's the GM.

How this game is Different than  Standard D20

Skill Based Attack Rolls
Health Points, used
Hit Points rules Altered
Healing Rules Altered
Improved Called Shot/bypassing armor Rules Used.
Limb Injury, disabling rules Used.
Massive Damage Rules Enforced
Temporary Damage Rules altered.
Modified Weapons and armor rules/descriptions/abilities Used.
Enhanced Special attacks and Unarmed combat Maneuvers Used.
Custom Race rules Used ( with GM approval, and after character creation)
Custom Powers Used ( after character creation, with GM approval)

What will be in play
Random mutation after character creation
Survival/practical skills emphasized (How you get them will be explained in game)
Random scavenging and salvage.
food and water needs Not automatically met.
Combat lethality amplified
I will punch big bloody holes in your shiny new character if your not smart and careful
Morale and "bugging out" rules In use with NPCs ( not everyone will fight to the death.)
Weather and environment hazards in play.( can't be fought, only avoided )