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Welcome to A Song of Storms

12:03, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

A Song of Storms

The Storm King reigns over Stormlands and Riverlands alike.

For three hundred years the Durrandon Storm Kings have reigned over the Rivermen, since casting down the sellsword kings of House Teague.

For three hundred years the Rivermen have bent the knee to foreign rule, as their taxes fill the distant coffers of Storm's End.

For three hundred years the treacherous Blackwoods, who enabled the Durrandon conquest at the expense of Rivermen and the Faithful of the Seven alike, have flourished.

Lord Lothar Bracken bides his time, knowing that the power of foreign rule and heathen magics cannot be challenged lightly. He bolsters his forces and bannermen and searches for allies amidst a forest of vipers and turncloaks.

This game will be played using the ASOIAFRP system, with a series of clearly identified modifications based on recommendations from players and my own experience.

I will be collaborating with players in the creation of house and characters. Players will share a connection to a Home House which serves as a vassal to House Bracken of Stone Hedge.

The game will feature Intrigue, Combat, and a range of challenges including Hunts, Feasts, Tournaments, and War.

This game is designed chiefly for experienced players [though not necessarily veterans], and character injury and death is likely and inevitable.