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Welcome to Emerald Sphere of Sighs

02:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Emerald Sphere of Sighs

The Age of Engsvan Hla Ganga (The Golden Age) has been enjoyed by many for millennia. Pavar’s doctrines have spread far and wide and the Tlomitlanyal (the five Lords of Stability) and the Tlokiriqaluyal (The five Lords of Change) are all a part of every day life. Art, archetecture, music, literature, science and the Human culture are flourishing at an all time high. The sakbe roads have become an awesome stone serpent which wind their way across the continent. Your life is good and you bask in the glory which is the Engsvan HlaGanga.

A call has gone forth, carried quietly on the wind. It makes it way through the niches and crack of the walls, under the streets and out of the mouths of tight lipped tavern owners, but only for a select few. It travels only by word of mouth and is conveyed in the form of low whispers in late night rendezvous. You have been chosen. You aren’t sure how or why, but you have been approached. The small portions of information given to you thus far have piqued your interest enough that you find yourself waiting in the dark, malodorous back room of a rather disreputable tavern in some off-the-beaten-path backwater township. You had arrived there under the cover of darkness, and through some secret passage that you know you would never really ever want to try and find again.

Once there, you noticed all manner of beings. Some human and some... not so human. There were priests and warriors, common looking folk and those of obvious High Clan Status. Never had you seen such a cadre of differences, quite the collection of experts and misfits. There they were, all gathered together, each possessing some talent that has made them a unique candidate. But for what, you have no idea. Some of those assembled only stay for an hour or two, and then leave in disgust. But you stay. The impulse to see what could be so compelling has your interest piqued to the utmost. After several more hours, and several more departures, a man enters. He is covered in the dark robe of a street traveler and you can see that the years weigh heavily upon him, as he is barely able to walk. He is aided by a rather enormous warrior who bares the marks of Karakan, and a Priestess wearing a black robe and a black smiling mask of wood. She carries a bound container bearing the emblem of an azure beetle over a pale crescent moon. When he enters, the room becomes so quiet that you could swear you hear insects breath. The acute silence is almost painful to your ears. He approaches each being in the room one at a time and, without saying a word to any of them. You watch as they either leave the room or remain where they are. Then he finally comes to you. You feel something churning deep inside you. Is it fear? Anxiety? Your heart begins to pound and your breath becomes short. You look at his tired old face and see the depth of time which is carved into his leathered skin. You look cautiously into his eyes and you notice something strange. There is a fire there, a sparkle, not the dead eyes of an ancient man on his last journey. He smiles at you and you know that you will not be leaving the room just yet. He moves on to the next person and you take a breath and think to yourself, this man is much more than his frail shell foretells. When he has approached everyone in the room, you find that there are only five of you left. He stands in the center of the room and acknowledges your small group. Then, he turns and makes his painfully slow sojourn to the door. Without a word, he leaves with his escorts and the door closes.

You stand there for a minute and then you see a parchment being shoved under the door. The five of you look at each other without saying a word and, finally, after several tense moments you go and retrieve the parchment. You unfold the old parchment slowly and with great care. Its age is apparent and you treat it with great respect. On the page are ancient symbols which you struggle to recognize. As you look at your new company, you see that they have no understanding of the symbols either. But, as you run your hand over each faded rune it begins to glow. First a soft blue, then brighter and brighter until it is almost painful to look at. The runes rise from the page and begin to sway and intertwine in the air like wisps of heavy smoke from a low fire made of green, wet wood. You step back as they form a column and then two sides and a top become outlined before you. Soon another burst of blue light and when you reopen your eyes a doorway stands before you. A doorway framed in a beautiful gold metal. There is no door, only a blue swirling mist in the door frame. It dances there, enticing you, beckoning you to enter. You step forward and through the doorway. You feel a rush of air and all sound goes still. The stillness is heavy, as though someone has placed hundreds of blanket over your head, yet you expected this somehow and it is not uncomfortable to you. You feel warm and safe and you notice your new companions are with you, but the doorway you entered through is now no where to be seen. You look around, and in the distance you see the faint outline of what seems to be another doorway. No footsteps are heard as you walk toward it, no rubbing of cloth as you walk, no noise from your gear. In fact, you can not even hear yourself breath.

In a few moments you arrive at the second doorway and step through into a clearing within a thick, humidly damp, dark forest. A chill washes over you as you emerge from the peace and still of the doorway living area. You look around the small, tightly enclosed, clearing and there, at the base of a mighty tree, you see a small wooden box. On the top of the box is a glowing beetle-shaped crystal from which a small amount of amber light is cast. You lift the crystal from its resting place and gently hand it to one of the other party members. After examining the box you slowly open it, and see that it is filled with travel papers, a bit of money and little else. You turn to each other and...............