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Welcome to Pandemonium at St. Trinians

08:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Pandemonium at St. Trinians

The girls of St. Trinians are in trouble!!!

OK, so that is nothing new, but this time if could end in disaster. Miss Petworthy has skipped bail, the third years blew the entire annual budget for field trips on "Smokey Joe" at the 3.30 at Epsom Downs (it trotted in a glorious seventh), and the first years have burned down the sports pavilion AGAIN! Unless the school can lay its hands on some cash, and soon, then the sixth form trip to the Loire Valley will be cancelled to pay for some of this. Worse yet, St. Trinians is unlikely to attract any new investors, and if the current trend continues, the school might not have enough funds to stay open.

St. Trinians might have to close!

No other school would take the pupils, and the teachers might have to find regular work - or in the case of some of them, end up inside Holloway Prison for several years...

But all is not lost. The girls have A Plan. Vague magazine is holding a Young Brains and Beauty competition. Schoolgirls across the nation will compete to prove that the image of young supermodels being all body and no brain is false. The winner gets to do a fashion shoot with top Italian designer, Federico Antipasto - and the school gets £100,000!!!

Unfortunately, the school doesn't have anyone who can provide both brains AND beauty enough to stand a chance of winning. So they're going to use the traditional St. Trinians approach to the problem.

They're going to cheat ...

Pandemonium At St. Trinians is going to be a light-hearted, fun and chaotic game in the spirit of the St. Trinians cartoons and movies, created by Ronald Searle. ( The gaming system will be the "Hellcats and Hockeysticks" system created by Andrew Peregrine, published by Corone Design in 2009. Don't worry if you know nothng about the system! It's a very basic d6 system, and full details on character generation and stats will be provided in game. It's an extremely easy system to use, and since the game will try to focus on roleplay more than rollplay, any players who don't know the game will quickly be able to fit right in and learn as they go along.

The game will initally have FIVE player characters. They can be chosen from any of the nine available Cliques (that is, the St Trinians' Character Classes) and I do not want to duplicate any Cliques with PCs. I will look at each application as they come in, but am not handing out slots entirely on a first come, first served basis. I will select the best player characters. Therefore, when applying do try to provide the best you can manage. Poorly written, unusually short, or simply badly-thought out concepts will likely be told thanks, but no thanks.

To apply, please RTJ and send:
1 - Character Name
2 - Character age (see below!)
3 - Character concept. Give a reasonable amount of information here, please. We can go into a lot of detail later, but I want to see that some thought has gone into this. A single sentence is not enough! The personality of the character should come through, as well as something of their background, their behaviour, their goals, their flaws and their strengths too. I'd also like a writing sample, either for this character or from another game you play in, or fiction you have written. 3 or 4 paragaraphs please!
4 - Feel free to ask questions! I am happy to help :D
5 - If I like the concept, I'll let you have access to the full character generation details and we can get you statted up.
6 - One last thing...the game will require that all the PCs are good friends, and will belong to a specific close-knit group (which will be decided after the concepts are all selected.) Please don't make a character who is a loner, uncommunicative, unfriendly to everyone or otherwise unable or unwlling to work with other people. It won't get approved, and you will just be wasting your time. And no. Don't even ask. You CANNOT play a boy. Everyone has to be female. No boys. Not in disguise, not openly. Not ever.

I am hoping to make the game flow fairly well, and will be trying to post several times a week. Ideally, I want players who can post 3 - 4 times a week minimum, and more if possible. I want good posters.

Posting rules:
1 - NO one word, or single sentence posting. I want a paragraph at the very least, and preferably with both a description of actions and dialogue, where appropriate. Internal thoughts as well would be ideal.
2 - Posting will be done in THIRD PERSON and PAST TENSE. That is "She stepped forward," instead of "I stand forward."  "He looked surprised." and not "He looks surprised."
3 - Please highlight your dialogue. I don't mind what colour you use, though a different shade for each character would help.

Other things to bear in mind:
1 - This is not Anime. No anime/manga concept will be considered. No anime character portraits will be allowed. Yes, this is a game about Schoolgirls, but they are British Public Schoolgrls. St. Trinians predates anime schoolgirls by a very long time, as the original cartoons appeared in 1942.
2 - Characters will be between 15 and 18 years old. They fall into the following year groups at the school:
15 - 4th Form
16 - 5th Form
17 - Lower 6th Form
18 - Upper 6th Form
4th and 5th Years will technically be at GCSE exam age, 6th formers are at A-level age. Nobody younger will be allowed in the game as a PC as they will not have the age to have the skills needed. Anyone over 18 will have left the school.
3 - I am restricting overseas students drastically. St. Trinians does have foreign students, and even has a character class for them. However, in a group of five students, it is unlikely there will be more than one of these. If you wish to come from outside the UK, you need to give a great concept. It's far easier to be British!
4 - This is a Public School. To people who don't understand this, the term means a school that is private, and requires a payment of usually fairly substantial fees to be allowed to attend. It is not a state run school. This does require that you come from a background that can afford to send a child to such a school.
5 - St. Trinians is a violent, chaotic place, filled with criminals, psychotics, sociopaths and the outright demented. And that's the teachers. The pupils are more or less the same. However, this is also a General rated game, so gratuitous sex, violence, torture etc. will not be tolerated. The same goes for naughty words. One or two may slip through the net, but this game is focussing on the true spirit of the St. Trinians concept. If you can get the chance to watch the original movies from the 1950s, as well as the two more recent movies, then do so. They should give a general idea of what I am referring to.
6 - St. Trinians has a school uniform. It is dark (navy) blue and white, with the school crest. Here are several example photos:
In this game, you WILL wear the uniform. I know some schools allow casual dress, but not this one. But uniform is very flexible, as you might expect. The younger girls (1st - 4th years) tend to wear a longer dress, with a rather wild appearance. Older girls are more overtly sexual, with skirts that are VERY short, revealing stockings held up by suspenders, rather low cut white blouses and so forth. The school tie is usually worn, either as normal, a headband, a belt, or in some other unconventional manner. Girls often carry a hockey stick as their weapon of choice.
7 - The girls are wild. Many of them smoke, regardless of their age, and a lot of them drink (usually cheap home-made vodka or gin.) Drugs are available in the school, but I am going to veto PCs actually wandering around taking them. The PCs are being selected for an important mission, so drug users would not be on the team. The girls also gamble a lot. The older girls will be seeing boys and doing appropriate (or inappropriate!) things with them, but please keep that firmly OFF camera, thanks!

The Cliques available for PCs are below. Don't worry too much about the Curriculum - everyone has full access to the entire skill base and many points to spend wherever they choose. The Curriculms merely pinpoints your specialist area. Don't take skills for granted. For exampe, Needlework includes lockpicking and safecracking as well as embroidery. Leadership includes torture, Religious Studies incorporates necromancy and demonology, Drama involves disguise and lying, Games options also cover combat and sneaking, and so forth. Full access to character generation details will be given once your concept has been accepted.

Fixer: For some girls, family is all important. For Fixers, that family is probably the Mafia. Fixers come from gangster and underworld backgrounds that give them a unique advantage over other schoolgirls. They can source equipment and information with considerable success, and are experts at cutting deals. From a fake ID to military equipment or experiental technology, the Fixers know exactly who to talk to about getting some sent to the fifth form dormitory in time to launch a raid on the tuck shop.

Special Ability: Contacts.
Their special ability gives them the power to pull in favours. A Fixer can spend a point of Will to remember someone who owes her a favour. The Fxer can then describe who the person is, and how they can help. The GM will then NPC the contact, while the Fixer convinces them to lend a hand. A simple piece of information, or sourcing weapons grade plutonium - it's all the same to a Fixer. They know people who know people ...

Curriculum: Art, Current Affairs, Economics, Needlework

Goth/Emo: A haunted, dark creature of the night. Nobody understands you. But hey, that's just because your version of cool is so scary to everyone else. If they don't get it, they'd better stay away. Most goths and emo have a liking for the darker things in life, but at St. Trinians, Goth/Emo girls really can dabble in necromancy, and summoning demons is just another way to while away a wet afternooon. They also don't have to be depressed or depressing all the time. Being mopey is nowhere near as fun as dabbling in black arts that can forever torment the souls of the weak, after all...

Goth/Emo characters need to decide if they are Goth, or if they are Emo. It doesn't make any difference to the game mechanics, but it will define whether or not your character is fixated on being depressed or tragically romantic.

Special Ability: Visage of Terror.
Even if you're perky, you still scare the pants off everyone else. With your overdone black makeup and brooding manner, nobody knows what you're really thinking, but they're sure it is bound to be terrifying. Goth/Emo girls can intimdate others simply by staring them in the eyes. The player can spend a point of Will and whoever is meeting your gaze at that time must immediately make a test to resist Fear. This can also be used to cut a path through a crowd rather than terrify a single individual. Even those who do not succumb to Fear will probably get out of your way!

Curriculum: Games (Track & Field), Home Economics, Religious Studies, Music

Hockey Girl:The sports teams of St. Trinians are the pride of the school, and with good reason - they're probably the most psychotic sporting body in the world. Hockey Girls are the epitome of this mentality. They're fit, aggressive, and have mastered a range of weaponry that would amaze some professional killers or soldiers. Their weapon of choice may be the hockey stick or lacrosse net, but they are not restricted to violence on the sports field. They have mastered several other athletic pusuits: breaking and entering, outrunning the police, taking down opposition ... If you get into a fight, a Hockey Girl is the person you want at your back.  They also like to take charge, and there are few people who can stop them doing so. But they are also excellent team players, although they do tend to insist that everyone is part of the team, whether they want to be or not.

Special Ability: Sporty.
Hockey Girls have a knack for all forms of sports. At St. Trinians, ths means armed and unarmed combat, of course. Consequently, Hockey Girls add a bonus die to their dice pool when attempting acts of violence.

Curriculum: Games (Team Sports, Track & Field, Marksman), Observation

Sweetheart: Isn't she a cutie pie? The sweetest little thing that wouldn't hurt a fly! With a smile of pure innocence and a girl next door purity, surely nobody could ever think she would do anything naughty? Even when she is holding a detonator... She wouldn't do a thing like that - she must have been led astray by all those naughty girls.

That's the Sweetheart. The arch-manipulator who excels at avoiding justice and retribution by landing everyone else in trouble instead. She's intrinsically trustworthy, and works hard to stay that way. Her uniform is always perfectly immaculate, she wears bows in her hair, smiles a lot, and may even go so far as to carry a teddy bear. Of course, the bear may be stuffed with C4 explosives... just because she looks innocent, doesn't mean that she is. Even when caught dancing on tables with a bottle in each hand, the Sweetheart can easily pass the blame for the noise onto someone else. Devious, cunning, and a very dangerous enemy, the Sweetheart excels at making others believe exactly what she wants them to believe.

Special Ability: Butter Wouldn't Melt.
People find it hard to believe a Sweetheart could do anything wrong. Any time she tries to convince someone of her innocence (for any crime, ranging from telling a small lie to blatant armed robbery) and no matter how obvious her guilt actually is, she gets a bonus die to her dice pool. She may sometimes also receive a bonus die when trying to put the blame onto someone else, too!

Curriculum: Drama, English, Social Studies, Veterinary

Nerd/Geek:OK, so the Nerds don't always have beauty, but they sure have brains! Maths, electronics, technology - they're just so easy for you. You play the stock market for amusement, strip down computers at high speed, and probably read a lot of sci-fi. Oh, you almost certainly play roleplaying games. Nerd.

Most of the girls call you Geek or Nerd as an insult, but you think it is a term to be worn with pride. You don't follow what others think is cool. You pity their limited understanding, and their tiny brains, which cannot grasp the truly important workings of the world.  You may have few social skills, but you can hack into any mainframe or security grid. You may not seem cool, but when the cool kids desperately need their computer repaired, or just have to get someone to crack open a Swiss bank account so they can take the funds to buy up a shipment of booze, you're their first port of call. They love you then!

Special Ability: Brainiac.
Your brain works so much better than other people's brains. You get a bonus die on any dice pool where intellect comes into play. Working out odds, playing the stock market, hacking - it's all so easy for you! This bonus only applies to single dice however, and extended actions which require several rolls (such as Weird Science or complicated magic) do not receive such bonuses.

Curriculum: Computer Science, Craft Design & Technology, Electronics, Maths

Prefect: Someone has to be in charge, and it is usually a Prefect. They're the natural leaders amongst St. Trinians pupils, and they take command with inspiration and threats of terrible punishment - Prefects are often very fond of torturing younger girls to make them toe the line. But Prefects are not in power just to enforce school rules. They use position to get things done. Most St. Trinians girls don't do as they are told easily, but Prefects have the backbone and spirit to get the girls moving. It's like herding cats, but if anyone can do it, it is a Prefect.

Special Ability: Charisma.
A Prefect has the ability to organise any team according to its strengths. If a Prefect devises a plan and the other girls follow it, everyone on the team can choose one of their skills and add a bonus die to it every time they use it to help advance that plan, though not for unrelated tasks. If someone deviates from the plan however, everyone will lose this bonus. The plan should be reasonably involved, and outlined properly.

Prefects also have the power to exert some control over the terrible packs of feral First Year girls that roam the grounds of the school. When on school grounds, or at times when such packs might otherwise be available (such as being on a school trip) a Prefect can summon a horde of ravening First Years who can be sent off to attack or cause chaos. A horde is neither subtle nor quiet, but they can be remarkably effective. The Prefect can issue them a one word command, after which the horde will be unleashed to perform the command as best they can. This may be an attack, but it could also be an order to guard, repair, cook and so forth.

Curriculum: Englsh, History, Leadership, Social Studies

Scientist: The frontiers of science are not a limit, but a challenge! Expermentation is the key to understanding the building blocks of the universe, and to blowing them up! However, A Scientist is not a bookworm like the Nerds. Raw knowledge can come from books, and that is cool, but true knowledge must be earned. For a Scientist, it is all about practical application of knowledge, and they would rather experiment themselves rather than read about anyone else's work. They work furiously, constantly stretching the boundaries of the possible, and breaking almost every single rule in the book. Ethics? That's a code for wimps! The truly strong create atomic weapons in Science class, and bring the dead back to life to do their homework for them!

Special Ability: Unshakeable.
Scientists deal with life-threatening chemicals on a daily basis, so they have built up a tolerance for the vagaries of fate. Very little can upset or scare a Scientist, especially since they tend to put themselves into far worse danger as a hobby. A Scientist can subtract 3 from any difficulties to resist Fear, so to remain unmoved against a Fear test of 5, a Scientist need only roll a 2. All other Fear rules apply, and a Scientist will still have a Secret Fear, just as any other PC.

Curriculum: Biology, Chemistry, Craft Design & Technology, Physics

Coquette: Some girls make men go weak at the knees with just a glance. That's the Coquette. She is blessed with stunning good looks and killer style, and she knows exactly how to work them. No matter where she goes or what she is doing, she turns heads. Men follow her everywhere, and girls always want to get close to steal her fashion secrets - or are just hideously jealous. Coquettes set the fashion trends for the whole school. There are obvious advantages, as boys are falling overthemselves to do things for them, and they never lack for a date. But in truth, a Coquette knows her heart belongs to Daddy - whenever she decides who he is...

Special Ability: Teasing Smile.
A Coquette can distract any straight man (and on a good day, anyone at all!) with a seductve glance. A blown kiss or teasing wink may be subtle, but it will totally destroy their concentration. This ability can only be used once per scene, and can be focussed on only one target, but he will instantly fail whatever task he is trying to accomplish. Anyone who is not a straight man will be distracted, at the very least. If the Coquette is currently holding the attention of several males (for example, she is beng chased by them!) it may be possible to influence them all, depending on circumstances.

Curriculum: Current Affairs, English, Social Studies, Observation

Exchange Student: St. Trinians has a terrible reputation, and as a rule it does not attract the cream of British society. Fortunately, other nations don't get to hear so much of the local scandal, and have to rely on publicity material to form an opinion. Japan is very far away indeed, and the rich families there have no idea what St. Trinians is really like. They send their daughters off to school there, thinking they are going to a female equivalent of Eton, Harrow, or Rugby. Some girls last a matter of days before they flee home in terror, but some of the overseas students fit right in, enjoying the atmosphere and writing home with glowing reports of well-behaved pupils...

Exchange Students come in two forms, those from Samurai families, and those from Shinobi (Ninja) families. Those from ancient Samurai lineage come from families who are rich, but know nothing at all about the school's real reputation.  Those who come from a Shinobi family are all too aware of the reality of St. Trinians, and they look on the school as the perfect environment to finish up the gruelling training required for a Ninja.

Special Ability: Family Jutsu.
You must decide whether your character is from a Samurai or Ninja family. A Samurai character gets two bonus dice when in combat with a katana. She can also add one bonus dice when defending herself from social (not physical) attacks on her honour, such as convincing others she is not lying - even if she is! A Ninja character gets two bonus dice to any dice pool involving sneaking, stealth, or escaping from bonds.

Curriculum: Economics, Games (Team Sports), Observation, History (for Samurai Families), Games (Track & Field) (for Ninja Families)

NOTE: Exchange Students do not have English as a first language. It is assumed that they speak Japanese fluently. However, if they want to speak English, then they will need to buy at least 1 point of the Language skill.

The same rule applies to a student playing in a different Clique, but who comes from a non-English speaking country. If you want to speak English, you need to buy the ability!

I am open to students from other foreign cultures. We can work the details out together!

For those who are curious, the Hellcats and Hockeysticks website is here: - note that the school is different to the one I am using, so that data will change. It doesn't have much in the way of rules there, but it might give a few ideas about the setting.