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Welcome to Alien: Erebus

05:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alien: Erebus

Location: Unit 973
Planet: GC-29723A-a
Star System: GC-23723 (Tau Cygni)
Date: 2181/09/15
Local Time: 12:36

Chian Mah was not a soldier in the army of the Union of Progressive Peoples, and he did not want to be. He used to watch the soldiers train, and did not understand their unflinching disciple, or their unyielding loyalty to Governor General Pham Dinh. He knew each solider would give their life to protect the Governor General, but what had Dinh ever done for them except demand that loyalty and demand they lay down their lives fighting the military forces of the United Americas. And when they failed their families were left with nothing but disgrace and shame. To Chian it all seemed backwards. Loyalty was earned, not demanded. And soldiers families should have been rewarded for the sacrifices of their brothers and fathers, not reviled.

Of course Chian would never speak such things out loud, especially not while he lived and worked in the heart of UPP space.

No, Chian Mah was not a soldier, he was a worker. A slave. One of many hundreds that worked the mines of the Unit 973 Labor Camp, slaving away daily to extract the raw materials the UPP needed to fight its costly war. And so, when drills broke through the surface of some ancient, long-buried ship, and the creature appeared, he did not know how to fight, only how to flee. Behind him, soldiers and miners alike screamed as the creature tore in to them. He ran until his heart felt like it was going to explode in his chest, until his lungs burned. He ran hoping to escape, and yet he found the doors to the mine sealed, and soldiers barricaded on the other side refusing to open it.

Chian Mah was not a soldier, he was a coward. But on his last day, before the creatures tail impaled him through his heart and lifted him away from the door, he saw in the faces of those soldiers the same fear that he felt. He knew then that they too were cowards. Cowards that feared not only the creature that now threatened them, but the Governor General which commanded them... And then Chian Mah knew no more...