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Welcome to Pathfinder Arena

09:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Pathfinder Arena

This game is rated Mature due to violence, references to the occult, strong language and suggestive themes. By submitting a request to join, you're agreeing that you are at least 13 years of age and will follow all rules and the rules listed here.


Your RTJ should include:RTJs that do not follow this format will be rejected.

After receiving your RTJ, a GM will give you access and a character sheet will be opened for you to fill out. Use the Character Creation rules in the site below to build your character and then reply to your original RTJ PM to request approval when you're finished.

By joining this game, you are agreeing to abide by all the rules, guidelines, and policies listed in the Pathfinder Arena website (see the link above) and those set forth by!

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Gladiators of the Colosseum, lend me your ears! The arena calls you forth to test your mettle in battle!

This is a competitive arena game using the Pathfinder RPG rules. All material is available online.

Arena games function differently from traditional tabletop RPGs. GMs serve strictly as moderators only here to intervene in case of OOC conflict, not storytellers, teachers or personal coaches for player characters.

Players should not be dependent on GMs to answer all their questions or give them advice but should do their own research and ask other gladiators when they cannot find it on their own. Arenas are about friendly competition and part of that is knowing the rules better than your opponent.

Rules lawyering is actually one method of winning here in the arena! It's not just about character builds. It's also tactics, wit, teamwork, and knowledge of the rules. It's up to players to learn on their own, be conscientious and stay one step ahead.

Sports players can't pause a game and ask the referee for advice or ask them to explain how the rules work. That would be unethical, unfair, inefficient, and annoying. Likewise, GMs here face the same dilemma. So do not harass GMs about d20 rules. You ARE intelligent enough to use a search engine and read the rules on your own and you MUST be mature enough to accept it when a referee or GM overrules you (we do not want adults throwing tantrums like children).

That being said, I am MORE than happy to help when I can. Please be respectful of others and remember that this is a friendly competition. Most of all, remember to have fun and be excellent to each other. This is a game of wits and dedication and the fact that you're even able to play this amazing game without getting completely lost means you have a lot of skill already. So keep sharpening those minds and let the battles commence!


The Grand Colosseum was founded nearly 100 years ago by the infamous warrior known as the Gladiator King. Arenas had become popular in his day and age but he rose up from a slave and earned his freedom as a gladiator and then proceeded to go into the military, rise through the ranks, marry into noble blood, go into politics and eventually earn the title of emperor. However, he is known as the Gladiator King because he founded the Grand Colosseum, the largest most sophisticated arena the world has ever known. He used it to create an unstoppable army and police force that whipped the Empire back into shape from declining ruin. Now, the Empire is thriving with an economic boom centered around the colosseum in Swordaine, more commonly known as the City of Swords or Colosseum City.

The colosseum may be the largest and most sophisticated arena ever seen, but not all gladiators here are criminals who've been enslaved for their crimes. Many have come to compete willingly to test their mettle, earn coin, prove their worth, train and study warfare, or just come to satisfy their own bloodlust...legally. Freely participating gladiators are often found hanging out in one of the taverns and inns that surround the area when not training or competing. One of the most infamous taverns is the Hungry Dragon, a tourist spot renowned for its bar fights, security team and the fact that it is the only tavern known to have hosted a barfight that the Gladiator King himself participated in.

The Grand Colosseum is not purely a place for competitive matches in the arena, but also serves as a military barracks and school for training in the many martial arts. Even mage academies and religious temples send their spellcasters and monks to train here for every purpose from medic to commander. Many areas of the colosseum are split up into various training schools, each with a different art of war to be taught. Some students enroll in multiple schools at a time and oddly enough this is encouraged by most instructors who are just as eager to learn new ways of war as they are to teach them. Many instructors were once gladiators in the arena, although most have retired their gladiatorial days in favor of teaching.

Public violence is not illegal if all involved in it consented (although proving this is difficult and controversial) and all damages are paid for. However, locals are warned not to disrupt tourism and to ensure that they personally know who they're beating senseless before they risk getting themselves arrested (the irony of this matter is not lost on the guards or the local riffraff but it is still enforced). Only the most brutal and sadistic crimes get someone enslaved in the arena, though the arena loves an excuse to take in more gladiators. They even accept prisoners from neighboring cities and countries offering to take the cost of feeding and housing them off their hands. The people of Colosseum City rarely pay more than menial taxes because the revenue from the arenas, training schools, free trade and confiscated possessions from slaves keeps the entire nation wealthy.