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Welcome to The Emperor's Game

13:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Emperor's Game

This game uses Chinese type mythology. The Emperor of Heaven is based on an ancient Asian viewpoint.

Long ago the King of Heaven created the nine dragons. These mighty beasts created the land, oceans, the lakes and rivers, and weather. They ruled the skies. They had other amazing powers as well.

 Of all the dragons, the gold dragon was the greatest.

The names of the dragons are thus:

Tianlong, The Celestial Dragon - Silver - time powers. Teleportation. Can access alternate planes.

Shenlong, the Spiritual Dragon -Azure - soul and mental. Was once the gate keeper of heaven. Able to bestow luck (or take it away) in the form of a blessing or curse

Fucanglong, the Dragon of Hidden Treasures - red - wealth, healing, can create things from thin air

Dilong, the Underground Dragon - bronze - control over spirits and demons. Earth powers like quakes. Rules the underworld.

Qinglong, the Winged Dragon - teal - has power related to the moon. Any sort of moon related myth. Only completely feathered dragon hence name

Jiaolong, the Horned Dragon - black -power over electricity, wind, war, and authority. The King maker.

Panlong, the Coiling Dragon: inhabits the waters - green-  massive water powers that can destroy or nuture. Affinity with plants.

Huanglong -white- an inspiration dragon with an edge. The dragon inspires, has control over dreams and sleep, and insanity. Works in partnership with the Azure dragon. Finds nourishment through unlocking the gifts. Likely the most dangerous to humans as this dragon can drive a human to insanity.

Dragon King - Jin Long - The Gold Dragon - a conglomeration of the others except the underworld power. -

Sun WuKong is the Monkey King's name. He is based off a 16th century novel

So many years ago the Emperor of Heaven had the dragons as his right and left hands. They helped to create the Earth. The most favorite of his nine dragons was the gold dragon. For that dragon's loyalty, the Emperor of Heaven made him the dragon King.

There was only one rule that the King gave the dragons- to not eat the flesh or drink the blood of humans or gods. If they did, evil and madness would overtake them.

The dragon King had his most trusted companions, a human woman whom he loved like no other, and his loyal wolf that he had raised because his mother died.

There were jealousies abounding in Heaven's courts. One day out of that jealousy, someone poisoned the human woman and a letter instructed the gold dragon that he must drink the vial of blood or the poison would kill her. It was made from the Divine ink of the Emperor's quill and nothing the dragon did could heal her.

The gold dragon drank the blood.

Immediately the other dragons appeared having felt the promise broken, and the king's advisors came. The gold dragon, having become evil was slain. They left him to bleed beside his dying love and his beloved wolf who was injured trying to defend him. His blood coated them, saving them but changing them. His love was made a vampire, and his wolf became a man able to shift into a wolf.

Before the dragon died, and all had left, the wise sage, also known as the monkey King, was able to trap the gold dragon's soul and purify it. He fashioned a dragons egg and placed the soul inside. Then he put the egg into a puzzle box. Only a woman born in the spring under a cherry tree from the line of the Emperor would be able to open the box and free the pure and regenerated dragon.

The sage overlooked the wolf and woman as they both disappeared. The wolf went to the Emperor and the woman fled to earth where she became the vampire queen. The Emperor forgave the evil in the wolf and made him a guardian. One who collected souls to be judged. He was instructed to find the soul of the gold dragon and bring it to the Emperor and to kill the vampire queen who had begun a nearly unstoppable reign of terror on the earth. She was the true reason behind might of Genghis Khan.

The monkey King hid the egg and was banished to Earth.  The other dragons were banished to hell, only to be released if the gold dragon was reborn, then they would have to punish the assassin. Before the Monkey King was buried under a mountain, he gave the box to a trusted compatriot.

Now if only all the dragons could remember who they are the Emperor could be obeyed.

Was this all just the Emperor's game?

The small, generally unknown town of Blueberry, Idaho will never be the same.