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Welcome to Heroes of the Realm

17:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Heroes of the Realm

The fire burns warmly, but casts little light into Mentor's study. The flickering play of light and shadow only hints at the vast number of books and scrolls housed on the volumous shelves. Slowly, the old elven form of Mentor, walks to the fireplace.

"Well my friends, your training is now complete, but you are not yet true heroes. You have yet to prove yourselves. But first, let me tell you of Zargon..."

"Many centuries ago, Zargon was my apprentice. He worked hard and learned quickly, but he was impatiant. His need to learn more powerful magics devoured him, though I warned him of the dangers, that he should be patient and in time would become a great wielder of magic. However Zargon could not wait and each night he would break into my study and read through my books. The secrets held in them are great indeed and once he learned his fill, he fled."

"When I had caught up with him, I found him greatly changed for the worse. The fool he was and is, had pledged himself to the Great Powers of Chaos. To him, magic was a short cut to power, and he paid to heed to the terrible price he would have to pay. I tried to reason with him, but to no avail, he laughed in my face and unleashed a powerful spell that I was hard pressed to counter. We battled for many days back and forth, but he had allies stronger than even I, and I could not defeat him. In the end, as we both weakened, he fled and sought refuge in the Great Northern Chaos Wastes where he could lick his wounds and hone his skills, conjuring forth ancient powers to overthrow the Empire."

"I must continue my watch and measure the magical strength of Zargon, for the forces he has called upon may yet destroy us all should I relax my vigil. His legions have threatened us once before. Then is was Rogar, yes that hero of legend, who helped me defeat Zargon's forces. Those same forces are on the march again, having already assailed the boarderlands. For this reason, the empire must once again look to great heroes to rally to for hope and to that end I have trained you."

"Each of you must complete a series of quests to be acclaimed heroes of the realm and earn the title of Imperial Knights. Then you shall truely be on your way to becoming heroes. I shall speak to you again on your return...if you return."