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Welcome to Briam: Land of Conflict - the Third Era

15:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Briam: Land of Conflict - the Third Era

As the omniscient DM, I reserve the right to alter, fix or amend anyone's character sheet, pic, description or post as I see fit.
99% of the time, however, unless there's something obviously wrong, I'll leave them alone.


1.-With the current group, legibility in posts is no longer an issue, since everyone does a great job of making sure their posts are readable. By this, I mean using good grammar.

2.-Everyone has been doing an excellent job of keeping OOC chatter out of the main thread. Thanks, everybody, and keep up the good work!

3.-The comment about portraits no longer applies. Everyone's portraits are cool. However, for any new players, the rule was to have a portrait for your character to let others know what you look like. Use realistic or fantasy art, please: anime character portraits are allowed, but discouraged.

4.-When it comes to designing characters, and sometimes other things, I follow the KISS rule ( Keep It Simple, Stupid ), AKA Rule #4 (see below) and so should you. Not only will keeping it simple help you later on, it'll help me.
I will occasionally break this rule, but if I ever do, it will be most likely be for the benefit of the players.

5.-If there's something in particular your character wants (and I don't mean magic items or whatnot), or if you have a change in mind to make playing him or her more fun for you, let me know. Whatever makes the game more interesting for you, as long as it's not at anyone's expense.
I dedicate lots of time and effort to this here game for one main reason: I want you guys to immerse yourselves in this world and to enjoy playing, so if you're not - or if you are - let me know.

6.-Remember that the world of Briam, its characters, gods, names of places, etc. is all copyrighted. Several of you have donated your characters to me; the rest of you may do the same, but if you choose to keep them, or just don't want me to use them in any writing I may later do about Briam, let me know and I'll respect your wishes. I will use any donations at my discretion, and will give thanks and credit for character creation where it's due.

7.-Whenever your character is talking to someone and expecting a reply, use an elipsis (...) so that the other person knows to respond (and not, for example, have his or her character suddenly walk out of the room).


For your enjoyment and enlightenment, here are...

THE RULES - expanded for clarity
Rule #1 - Trust the DM to be fair - but not nice - with your characters.
Rule #2 - Trust the DM to assist you and to oppose you in equal measure.
Rule #3 - Never give the DM ideas that may jeapordize your character, unless you want the DM to run with this idea and make it into something worse.
Rule #3a - Never give Mike ideas of this kind, either.
Rule #4 - Keep it simple, for yourselves and for the DM.
Rule #5 - The DM's job is not to tell the players what is possible or impossible - the DM's job is to tell the players whether their actions succeed or fail.