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Welcome to Exalted: From Whole Cloth

12:26, 19th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Exalted: From Whole Cloth

One of the oft forgotten tragedies of the Primordial War was that victory was bought not just with the blood of the Exalted and their allies but by the systemic extermination of uncounted races and beings that remained loyal to their creators. 'History is written by the victors' was a common cry of the Sidereals as they deliberated the Great Prophecy, and in victory over the Primordials history was cast to strike from record many things. Treasures beyond imagining and wonders beyond count were lost on the pyre of that age as a new one rose from its ashes. Yet not all of those marvels were to be lost forever...

A race known only as The Cloth were one of those purged so that not even ash remained, no record of their home or nature remains today save what secrets are kept by Jupiter. They were a threat and as one they knew destruction. The Exalts were not wholly successful in this final gruesome act of the war though; over the years and decades hidden in the grand geomancy of Creation, renewing itself on the energy of the myriad Dragon Lines something began to grow. If any had warning they have been silent, the first clear sign was when Mount Crover cracked and burst asunder, a rock and rubble falling like snow with ash and dust to blot the Sun for three days. When things cleared there was a great rift that had cut the mountain in two, shrouded in shifting lights. Across Creation smaller geomantic flares and tremors happened, and not knowing why thousands experienced confusing visions that left many bleeding from eye and mouth and nose.

What lies in that rift? What perils and wonders are to be found reborn from an age before the Exalts? Those who have come to seek and probe have come at the direction of more knowledgeable powers, or wise in such lore themselves wish answers for themselves. Perhaps they are one of the many who have nightly visions and feel memories not their own skittering on the edge of consciousness. Whatever has prompted them the rift in Mt. Clover will not be delved alone. Will the tools of a new age be found in the ruin of a past one, or will destruction beget a new offering in this Age of Sorrows?