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Welcome to Cavalier Gothic [Savage Worlds]

01:53, 14th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Cavalier Gothic [Savage Worlds]

This work of ficition is not intended as an accurate historical portrayal

Cavalier Gothic is a Savage Worlds Age of Sail campaign drawing heavily from the Pirates of the Spanish Main module. An expert knowledge of the rules is not required but some familiarity with the system is a must, and you really ought to have access to the Basic Rules.

The game is cinematic by default, hopefully capturing some of that old swashbuckling feel that Errol Flynn would be proud of. Play style will be mostly plot-driven, but with plenty of open world sandbox time as the game goes along. The campaign will focus on the exploits of the party whether that means tooling across the ocean in a pirate ship, exploring the untamed forests and jungles of the New World, or participating in the struggles of the Old. Characters will be encouraged to travel where their interests, abilities and obligations take them, but should expect that some sort of adventure will await them wherever they go. The overall tone of the game is serious, but with occasional light-hearted scenes.

It has occurred to me that mystery is the enemy of effective advertising, so in the interest of full disclosure I'll point out that the campaign will also feature a slowly rising supernatural element; there are Things That Go Bump In The Night, and not all sailor's stories are pure fantasy, but these things are so mysterious and secretive that they are scarcely believed by the "modern thinkers" of the day, and actual first-hand knowledge of them is incredibly rare - the realm of secret societies, forbidden cults, crazed fortune-tellers and wild-eyed adventurers.

I'd like the posting rate to stay fairly brisk, at least 3 posts per player per week, but that rate will speed up and slow down depending on whatever else is going on in our RL worlds.

Initially the game will be set in the Caribbean sometime in the era between 1650 - 1725, but expect to be taken all across the world as the campaign goes on. Don't worry too much about history and geography, though; we're playing a game, not teaching a class. If you were able to sit through Pirates of the Caribbean without groaning too much over all the inaccuracies of time and space you should be comfortable here.