- This game is under the Supernatural & Horror genres.
- The game system is Free-form.
- This game contains adult content.
- The GM has marked this game as containing personal and intellectual property.
If the GM leaves or deletes the game nobody else will be able to continue the game.
Shadows of Sins
Shadows of Sins is a Free-Form Sandbox Game loosely based on The Anita Blake Urban Fantasy Novels.The small Towns of Southport and Oak Island are a great place to get away from it all. The relaxed atmosphere and gentle hospitality are remembered by all who spend time here. Recently named "America's Happiest Seaside Town" by Coastal Living magazine, Southport and the surrounding small islands are steeped in history and picturesque beauty. The area has a charm that has not only attracted visitors, but those escaping the hectic hum of city life, including the preternatural creatures who live among the human population.
Like everyone, the preternatural are just trying to get by. In a world of no veil, they are faced with strict laws and prejudice.
Even a small seaside town like Southport has its share of secrets.
Please note: As our cast list fills, we will want to attempt to keep balance among all the races. At times, we will need to "cap" a race that has too many characters within it in order to fill out other races. Caps will be lifted when the balance evens out
Current Caps: