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19:27, 18th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Team Fearless

Team Fearless is a 5 person adventuring group that holds renown as Shade Slayers to those who don't know them. Anyone who has seen them work realizes that this is a lie as they can barely manage to take mid level quests, let alone the more difficult ones they like to take.

Name: Ritsu
Alias: Sham
Gender: Male
Age: 17


Personality: Ritsu is the kind of person who always tries to do his best, even when he shouldn't. He tends to lie and over-exaggerate to increase the reputation of his party, and he is quite good at it, which has lead to the name team fearless being known far and wide as shade slayers. Despite the fact that this has gotten him into a lot of trouble, he sticks to it saying that it's good self motivation. Despite the fact that the is the Leader of Team Fearless, the other members have become quite skilled at manipulating him and he is often tricked into doing things he doesn't want to.

Fighting Style: Since Ritsu has no magic, he doesn't fight. He could pick up a weapon, but he says it's not his style. He prefers to direct from the back.

Artes: Ritsu cannot use Artes of any kind.

Strengths: He is exceptionally good at deceiving others, that's how despite the number of people who have seen him fail horribly, they are still held in such renown. He never gives up no matter what, despite the fact that he has had a lot of trouble in the past, he continues to push forward.

Weaknesses: Cannot use any artes. Since he was born his body hasn't had the capacity to retain magic of any kind. Tends to get in far to deep for himself. He has to rely on others to dig him out.

Name: Iola Dotrish
Age: 14

Personality: Iola is considered a genius. Despite how cold he appears, he is constantly looking out for Ritsu, making sure he doesn't get into to much trouble. He comes off as lazy, but often finishes his work before any of the other members. He doesn't believe Team Fearless could exist without Ritsu. He often manipulates Ritsu into doing things that are not often tasks delegated to a leader.

Fighting Style: Iola is physically weak. He can't fight very well, but he comes up with strategies and supports the party from the back.

Artes: Iola has no particular artes to speak of.

Strengths: Highly intelligent he is the brains of Team Fearless. He can manipulate people rather well. He may not work hard, but he finishes all his task with relative ease, he has a strong information network.

Weaknesses: He is apathetic and often spends his time alone. He can't fight very well due to his weak constitution.

Name: Liz Dotrish
Gender: Female
Age: 14

Appearance: (Liz Left, Iola Right)

Personality: She is quite energetic, and always eager to learn something new. She can't compare to her brother in terms of intelligence, but she always seeks to close the gap in anyway she can. She is constantly blowing off work in order to explore the surrounding area's. She likes to poke fun at Ritsu for being such a conman.

Fighting Style: She takes a medium/long range approach to fighting. She casts artes and spells from afar in order to deal damage to her enemies. She also provides light healing support from the backline.

Artes: She knows a few artes and sorcery. However, she's only really familiar with tier one magic. She only knows a couple tier 2 artes. She only knows one spell in sorcery, and that is Birai (Laser).

Strengths: She has a high affinity for all elements that make up artes. She's energetic and doesn't let anything get her down.

Weaknesses: Can't use high level spells. She doesn't take things very seriously, so she's often caught of guard and can be easily downed.

Alias: Rando
Gender: ???
Age: ???

Personality: Rando never speaks. He is always willing to fight for Team Fearless, but his reason for doing so isn't known outside of the group. He seems to like his secrets as he wears gear that protects his entire body, and a mask that covers his face. He seems to enjoy his work, as he never leaves the airship unless a mission is progressing.


Fighting Style: He uses his fists to beat his enemies into submission.

Artes: While it seems that he is capable of using artes, he never does, the reason for this is unknown.

Strengths: Extremely physically strong, he can take on quite a few monsters with his bear hands. Always prepared, he is always ready to fight, even if it comes as a surprise.

Weaknesses: He seems to lack concern for his own safety, often putting himself in danger in order protect his teammates. He keeps to himself, no one knows what he is thinking, so it can often lead to people being suspicious of him.

Name: Sterk
Gender: Male
Age: 26

Personality: He is overly confident to the point of cockiness. He will often pick fights with people he thinks are strong, and is more then willing to sell his swordsmanship if he thinks it'll net him a profit despite the fact that he's already on a team. He will often blow off the work given to him by Ritsu in order to find himself better equipment.


Fighting Style: He fights with a mix of Physical Artes and his own swordsmanship, he rushes to the front lines in order to deal as much damage as fast as possible.

Artes: He focuses mostly on combat artes, however he does know a few self buffing artes. Beast, Demon Fang, Sonic Thrust are a few of the combat skills he's familiar with.

Strengths: The most skilled member of Team Fearless his swordsmanship is fairly high level. His gear is always top of the line, and is always well maintained.

Weaknesses: He can often go missing when the party needs him due to taking on another job. He is overconfident, leading to his impressive sword skills going to waste due to his recklessness.