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Welcome to Tales of Ateraxia

18:33, 18th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Enomius Caerularius

Name: Enomius Caerularius (Just Eno for short)

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Eloquent Peasant
The Man Who Ended the World

Appearance: Eno cuts a scrubby figure. He wears practical clothing and his hair has obviously gone too long without being cut. He has a beard and mustache trimmed only slightly better than his hair. He has a lean muscular build and a deep tan; obviously someone who has been working in the sun for some time.
On his left hip, he carries a bullwhip, and his right hip has a practical hunting knife. His face rarely curls into a smile, but just as rarely devolves into a frown. He has a quiet, disciplined demeanor. He has a bit of an odd accent and uses a bit more formal language than most.

Personality: Eno plays it cool, but he is a man haunted by his past. His reserved demeanor fits better with a guardsman than his history as a herdsman and a vagrant. That's not to say he is a quiet person; quite the contrary, he is a man who enjoys small talk, but prefers to listen to others. He is proud of his rustic roots and his accomplishments despite his humble upbringing. As with many small-town people, hospitality is important to him & he has a healthy respect of the gods, well, most of them.

Fighting Style: Switch-Hitter. He prefers to stay at mid-range and strike with his whip. In close quarters, he is functional with his fists and knife. He knows a couple skills for long range, but most of his skills are designed for mid-range.

Eno has an odd way around magic. He uses it seemingly intuitively, rarely using incantations or circles to guide him. However, he is highly limited in his breadth of magic, unable to muster a fireball, manifest sparks, or mend cuts.
Rignon Reis: Gravity Whip

Ion Reis: Gravity Field

Zegar Reis: Gravity Bolt

Reis: Encumber

Zagurzem: A one word incantation that creates a chain to increase the power of a spell fired at it.

Raifoji: it's used to reverse the effects of crystallization on ones self by purging the body of foreign mana. However it causes a great deal of strain and can only be used once a week


-Patient, likes to listen before talking
-Can seem like a jack-of-all-trades. As comfortable living off the land as in a town.

-Outside of a brawl & hunting for food, pretty green in a fight.
-A bit shy about his knowledge, sometimes he does not speak up even when he could speak authoritatively on a topic.
-Clueless on most formal customs and history

Eno grew up in a small, secluded village in a family of ranchers. It was a quiet pastoral life. He was gifted with a talent for magic, but even given the small population, he was the only one with a knack for magic, so he taught himself. His tricks weren't seen as a boon or a curse by his fellow villagers. So long as he did his work on ranch, he was in good standing.

In his 20's he longed for an outside life and was one of the few villagers to trek to the vaguely nearby town to sell what excess the village managed to produce. It was a job he took much pride in and gave him the opportunity to buy himself some books and teach himself to read. His passion for the outside world saved his life as well. For after one trip to the town, he returned to see his village utterly destroyed. It was as if the gods themselves destroyed the village, such was the devastation.

Eno moved into the town for some time, but began to be plagued by nightmares of the same type that destroyed his village, but this time seen on the town. Out of fear, he left the town and has been on the road since, though the nightmares still plague him. They eventually became more general, and driven by mankind's own lust for domination. The vengeful gods need not lift a finger when men are willing to lift their blade.