Zanders Lunch

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Zanders' face is kind of a cross between a wolf and a goat with short twisted horns going towards the back of his head. The ears are situated between the typical location for both species and are sort of a thiner and elongated wolf's ear. He wears several miss-matched pieces of clothing and armor, and hides his face under a large hood. His hair or mane as you might want to call it, is red and fluffy he also has a small red goatee that hangs off his chin ever so slightly, and the rest of him is covered in white fur. Around average human height.
Zanders is a rather up beat (to calm) sort of fellow, who is fascinated by humans and their society. He occasionally qualifies for the trope Comically missing the point. And he loves food, so much food, you do not have enough food. He would make it himself if he could, but cooking is like a lost art and he will basically worship anyone who can cook, doubly so for anyone willing to teach him. On the same note he hates raw food, but will make exception for fruit if nothing else is available. Sushi and salads would drive him bananas.
Fighting Style: Magic Knight except he fights with claws made from bone and the claws of larger beast which are strapped to his hands in conjunction with Dark magic.
Artes: Fireball
Strengths: Being a monster he is very strong, agile, and can talk to monsters.
Cannot wear heavy armor.
Can't wear a helmet of any kind but can wear some hats and hoods though the they have to be slightly modified.
Will never gain the healing magic arts/Support Arts that are found in the Magic Knight class.