- This game is under the Sci-Fi, Comedy & Action/Adventure genres.
- The game system is Freeform/Universal RPG.
- This game contains mature content.
Halo Hammer Effect with a pinch of Destiny
What are you waiting for?!What if everything you ever wanted came in a RPG? HammerThirst. Spartan Edition!
With all new flavors like Naplam! Ezoe! And Khorne! Youve had the bad, now try the rad!...iation.
HammerThirst. Side effects include spawnhood. Use your mutated body to help Japanese schoolgirls. HammerThirst. Anything is possible.
Krogan-blasting, the sport youll invent because youll be too angry for normal sports. Youll feel like a battleship made of dinosaurs.
What about me and my blue collar? CREED! Hide that tank behind a bush!
We interrupt this advertisement to RAGE! HammerThirst now comes in Flood! Now with murderous amounts of testosterone. Murtosterone! Think fast stupid git. HammerThirst now comes in missile. Hive-splatting. Similar to Krogan-blasting.
Oh Emperor, why have you forsaken me?
Zog it. When God gives you lemons, Blood for the Blood God! HammerThirst Gorkberry, King of the games.
Unacceptable. Try HammerThirst and youll win at everything forever. Youll win at shooting, bloodbowl, arson, waffles, and sex! Youll even win at RAGE! Top score.
Still unconvinced? Well check out these testimonials from real HammerThirst fans.
over 300,00 confirmed kills!
HammerThirst. Its really WWAAAAaagghhhh!
Alright! HammerThirst, its like warp dust in a can. Its warp dust in a can. HammerThirst is warp dust. Warning, may contain Keith David.