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Welcome to Stored Game: Experimental/ Cooperative Puzzle Game

02:09, 14th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Stored Game: Experimental/ Cooperative Puzzle Game

Multi-Billionaire Gerald Northhampton is dead.  In his passing, the late industrialist has left a rather intriguing will.  Per his request a series of invitations were sent to his relatives as well as several random invitations that were to be distributed by his executor in the general population.

Whether a relative of Uncle Jerry or a random person fortunate enough to have received one of the eight golden embossed envelopes- the message inside is the same:

Dear Participant,

At the time of this writing I am currently worth Eight Billion Nine Hundred and Ninety Million and change.  This amount is being added to even as I speak.  Being a bachelor my entire life, I've found myself with the question of how to distribute this money into the world when I kick the bucket.  Too many old money families have been ruined by simple passing of funds, and I made this money all on my own.  I'd like the person who takes a chunk of it, to do a little work for it as well.

I've always been fond of games...Ah now you've got the idea.  (I'm sure there are some relatives who are not happy about what is going to come next.)  If you want my money- you're going to have to play for it.

On May 26th at 8:00 am, I'm inviting you to a little game I've created.  It's nothing like what has ever been done before.  There is a little mansion I've been working on- it's not your usual house.  If you can solve the puzzle of it, then then money is yours.  If you can't on August 2nd, 2019- all the money will be given to twenty three charities I've chosen by drawing from a hat.

To those of you who are not my relatives, whether you take on this adventure because it looks like fun or you actually need the money- I don't really care.  If you prefer, just pass this paper onto the next person you see.  I believe eventually it will fall into the right hands.  To my relatives- you're going to have to figure this one out.  Prove you're worth the inheritance.

Now... you can all work together and split the fortune evenly between yourselves, or you can find the solution on your own and keep it all for yourself.

Be at 1490 Whistwillow Drive, Bellmont, Colorado- May 26th at 7:00am to recieve further instructions from my Lawyer and good friend Elmont Currier.

May the best man or woman win,

Uncle Jerry

A note about this game:

This game will end- This game will end on August 2nd at 8:00 pm MST.  I am a teacher and off for the summer. I've found that when I start teaching my ability to GM declines to the point where the game closes, so I have built this game around that.  How much you unravel about the mysteries inside this game is up to you.  The game is free form, so you are given the absolute option of simply playing out your own story, or you can try and figure out Uncle Jerry's game. This is a puzzle, and it does have a solution; however there are multiple paths to discovering that solution.

Think of it as a Free Form Escape Room if you will.  If this appeals to you, by all means send me an RTJ.

(Game will be limited to 8 participants)