- This game is under the Sci-Fi & Horror genres.
- The game system is Alien.
Alien: Lost Souls
This game is using the newly released Alien RPG rules from Free League Publishing.The FreeSpace Corporation is a small minor alfilated partner of Seegson. Seegson a major global corporation and an active competitor to Wheyland.
FreeSpace is contracted on occasion by Seegson, to perform sometimes less then above board operations that need a some what of a discreet touch in the corporate battleground. But in many of these cases, the contracted firms are not aware of the larger picture and in their minds, a job is a job.
This is just the case in this adventure.
FreeSpace Corp have hired the Small Tug vessel "The Glorious" to perform a survey mission in a small asteroid field just outside WY sphere of influence past the outer rim worlds.
The crew of the Glorious consist of.
Peter (Officer)
Tammy (Pilot)
Jack (Roughneck)
Debrah (Roughneck)
Manni (Roughneck)
All three roughnecks are recently hired on to the crew, at typical bargain day rates. This lowest price as possible is typical for Peter and his most precious "Bottom line" This is the first trip for the roughnecks joining Peter and Tammy.
The Glorious is accompanied by 3 FreeSpace Corp Representatives.
Matt (Co Man)
Susan (Scientist)
Bjorn (Marshall)
The story will start in the later stages of the mission which so far as proved to be pointless and a huge waste of money for FreeSpace. It is only now, that the crew has discovered a weak signal coming from the backside of one of the asteroids in the field and are headed to investigate.