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Welcome to [Pathfinder] [SoP] Trials of the Divine

22:03, 11th February 2025 (GMT+0)

[Pathfinder] [SoP] Trials of the Divine

You are an hero, the likes of which will be written about in legends.

Maybe you are a devoted priest who prevented the return to power of an ancient evil, or a knight of such greatness you brought to an end a war who had been ravaging between multiple kingdoms for generations. Maybe you're a dragon slayer of such renown that your travels far and wide are bedtime stories used to make children feel safe at night, the mere mention of your name enough to deter fearsome beasts from burning down villages and send them flying away in fear. Maybe you're such a master of your art that people from all over the world come to you in search of a mentor or a challenge, or maybe you're a prophetess who has so many times accurately predicted how to avoid disaster that people consider you a living saint. Maybe you're the lost scion of a great hero who saved your kingdom in the moment of their need and got to marry the heir to the throne, or you're a rebel of common birth who led your land in a revolution to overthrow a tyrannical lord and have now been asked to shepherd into the future. Maybe you are a magician so well learned as to have broken a curse that had been crushing a land for centuries, or maybe your talent for overcoming challenges made you the only once capable to retrieve a lost artifact of your people from the treasure horde of a monster hidden behind countless traps and challenges that stumped hundred before.

Whatever the path that lead you to be what you are, the one fact that remains true is that you've accomplished more than most people will ever be able to dream about, and you know it.

You thought you'd achieved as much as you could in your life; of course you had your regrets, your wishes that you knew would never come true, but overall, you thought you'd achieved as much as you would be able to, and you were happy enough with that.

You were wrong, as you discovered when a goddess contacted you in your dreams, revealing to you that a contest among the gods was about to start, one that would bring about untold catastrophes if any other god were to win. A contest in which each god would field a team of champions to fight on their behalf, a team like the one you were invited to be a member of. A divine plea directly to you, asking for your help to save more than you ever imagined you could, as well as a promise, to make your most impossible dreams come true, if you were just to succeed.

You'll just need to hope that you'll be ready for what might be your greatest adventure yet...