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Welcome to Across the Bone Valley

13:47, 6th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Across the Bone Valley

A sea of contrasting white sprawls jaggedly ahead of you, framed by the westward shadow cast from the eastern wall. This is the only way out, for those that still muster some hope.

Locked in a remote corner of a forgotten planet sat your home, now ash, in the wake of the demonic corruption. Not even devils cared enough about exploiting this former republic to keep it functioning.

Decadence, lust of blood and body, corruption of the soul freely offered by just giving in and joining the Herd of the Horned King.

You fled, of course. Down the only way that is still open:
The Bone Valley, where ancient evils and monsters lurk, beyond which lies the Bastion: an artifact city from the First Age, where all the power players of previous eras presented themselves to the gods.

If there is a place that is still defended,

If there is a place that is not abandoned,

If there is a place that harbors hope,

The Bastion may be it.

Venture down this path to tell stories worth telling. The expectation of death is high, and only two characters per account will be ever allowed. Make them count, and your character's name and story will join the Wall of Refined Souls, to the east.
Otherwise, have a good time with your run(s) and join the Broken Wall, to the West.
Interfere destructively, and you will serve as inspiration for the threats new players will face, as well as being reported to RPoL staff if appropriate.

RTJ and Character-building:

Characters will start at 1st level. Build them with story in mind. If you min-max, make sure the mechanical optimisation is fueling a powerful story. When you RTJ, I expect only a willingness to forge something worthwhile, and respect for the work I put in, which includes my response time. All RTJs will be answered, eventually, with a yes or a no.

Rules Interpretation:
Rules-wise, I'm not RAW or RAI. I'm RAST: Rules as Story Tools, which means that I will bend rules to allow for story beats that I adjudicate deserve it in the moment. I am not a perfect arbiter, so some OOC discussion is allowed through Private Message, but please respect the authority I wield, because it's only going to be oppressive if you don't collaborate with the other players and with me. (Lone wolves are always allowed as long as your edge doesn't cut others)

Posting frequency(Me):
Expect one weekly update to the state of the game world. May increase rhythm if playing climate is adequate and I can fit it in my schedule.

Posting frequency(Players):
I prefer players interact at minimum once per week and at maximum once per day. Do not out-post players that are in your party at the moment: groups should form knowing, and adapt to, the player that can interact the least.
OOC discussions are allowed, community-building is something that should always be fostered, in my opinion.

Mine is a narrative, stream-of-consciousness style, and the world is an expanding sandbox, reactive to demand.

Be mindful, people. We are all adults, or in the process of being adults. All I ask is that you don't get too explicit with the content. Allusions are fine, fading to black is allowed, camera panning sideways away from the scene can be dramatic.

Come have fun and witness horror!