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Welcome to Adventures in the Border Kingdom of Hyboria

17:39, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Queen Naluna of Eridu

Eridu is a city in the eastern portion of the foothills of the Border Kingdom just beyond the mountain ranges of southeastern Cimmeria. Eridu is not in the Haunted Lands and is to the west of the Great Salt Marsh. Yet another sub-human race dwells in the rocky badlands of this region that are not Yemli nor Beast-Man, a race controlled by the men of Eridu. The city itself is located in a surprisingly fertile, steep-walled valley around a central lake. In the center of the lake is an island. Eridu was once a city in Brythunia. Defeated many generations past, its people fled into the Border Kingdom with their most sacred relic, a great golden rune gong. They encountered the sub-humanoids of the area and enslaved them. The people of this city had cut out the tongues of their sub-humanoid slaves, so the older generation of sub humanoids are silent, though their children still have their voices. The city is now ruled by Queen Naluna.