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Welcome to Adventures in the Border Kingdom of Hyboria

18:45, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)


Age:20Archetype:Priestess of Asura
Height:5’7”Hair Color:Black
Weight:135 lbsEye Color:Green


Land Holdings (If any):  No

Special Possessions/ Heirlooms:  n/a

Character Description:  Arkadis is a buxom beauty with skin like moonlight, hair like midnight, and striking green eyes that flash with carnal hunger. Her full lips seem to always be flushed with desire, begging for a kiss and more. The body of generous curves is new to her and her service to Asura has her clothing it in cast offs and charity pieces. A faded red halter top that is far too snug hugs her chest, a long skirt the color of mud covers her legs, though a tear from hem to hip reveals the supple curve of her thigh. A sari that once bore vibrant colors and elaborate decoration is now a dull and dirty rag that she wraps around herself, both for warmth and to attempt to hide the skin revealed between the too small top and the low waist of her skirt. Open-toed sandals leave her toes dirty from walking the streets of Cragsfall but she would have it no other way. She is a servant of Asura, it is her place to serve the poor and homeless.

Personality:  Much has changed in Arkadis’ life, though one thing remains the same. She is a devoted Priestess of Asura. Still shy and gentle, she seeks to serve those who suffer under the weight of the world and are the most vulnerable. Living and working among the poor and the homeless, she gives all she can to those who are in need. Be it the bread she carries with her, the few coins she possesses, a caring hug, or even healing. She lives to serve. But since the fateful day when her life changed, there has been a different drive deep within. One that leaves her looking at others with a lust filled gaze. A drive that leaves her body burning and tingling with the need for another's touch. An unquenchable hunger for the pleasures of the flesh. It was easier to fight these urges when she wore the chastity belt she found herself in when she was transformed. But now that she is free, it is only her wavering will that keeps her from giving in to the demands she feels pulsing in her body. A desire to serve in ways best left behind closed doors.

History: While the followers of Asura are primarily focused in Vandya, there is a small sect in Aquilonia from where Arkadis hails. She was always a small, shy and compliant child, often leaving her overlooked by her parents and siblings. Though as the youngest of seven born to poor farmers barely managing to feed themselves, it was a miracle she managed to survive the first winter. She has some vague memories of her parents and siblings but the burden of so many mouths to feed became too much, her parents leaving her to the followers of Asura. Her submissive nature suited her well as she grew into the service of Asura, doing good acts and serving the poor to pay off the debt on her Karmic soul.

She had a talent for the yoga methods handed down from the priests of Asura, using them to focus on the path to enlightenment. It was this that drew the attention of a small contingent of priests seeking an ancient artifact of Asura hidden within some ruins near Cragsfall. Naturally compliant and extremely devoted, she accepted the task, leaving her homelands for the unknown. The artifact was found, exactly where it was foretold, though none seemed able to unlock its power. Until Arkadis entered a trance-like state through yoga and touched the artifact. The effect was immediate, the priests were transformed into stone and Arkadis was transformed from a waifish woman with stringy blonde hair and blue eyes to a buxom beauty with midnight hair and an emerald gaze. But that was not the only change. Wrapped sung around her hips was a chastity belt and a growing hunger for the touch of another.

Now alone, confused, and hundreds of miles from home, she sought the nearest vestige of civilization, hoping she could find help. Arriving in the city, dirty, hungry, and in ill fitting clothes, she relied heavily on the kindness of others and discards of the wealthy. She managed to find a halter top that nearly fit though it remains too tight, a long skirt to preserve her modesty through a long tear up the skirt ending at her hip makes such preservation difficult, and a worn sari, the once vibrant fabric now dull with use and exposure to the harsh sun which she wraps around herself for warmth and protection. Clad in open-toed sandals, she desperately attempts to maintain the tenants of her faith, seeking to serve the poor and homeless despite her new beauty attracting far too much attention.

Attention that found her kidnapped by strangers, their intent unclear to her. Chained to an alter and stripped of her clothes, she fell into a trance, eager for whatever diabolical act the cult was about to perform. Only the bravery of strangers saved her, freeing her from the cult. And eventually of the magical chastity belt. Despite the trauma of the kidnapping, she remains ever kind, ever meek, seeking to serve. Though the hunger that has been growing inside her since the fateful day she touched the artifact is driving her toward service of another kind.