Petra Donatus

Land Holdings (If any):None
Special Possessions/ Heirlooms: Jeweled Rapier and matching Parrying Dagger
Character Description: Petra stands 5'3" tall and weighs 120 pounds. She has flowing black hair and green eyes. She wears a leather vest, shorts, gloves, and thigh boots.
Personality: Petra seems to have two personalities! She is deadly serious and all business when is in a duel or a situation leading up to a duel. While not physically intimidating, there is something about her presence that makes people decide she is not to be underestimated. But, when Petra has free time, she displays a lighter side. She particularly enjoys singing and dancing. She enjoys her wine and is also quick with a smile. When in this setting, Petra appears quite approachable and is genuinely friendly.
Petra and her two older siblings were raised by mother. Their father died mysteriously when Petra was a youngster. Her older brother now works as a soldier and is moving up the ranks and is becoming someone important. Petras older sister, is a priestess of Ishtar, which is not a common religion in Nemedia. Petra, growing up, was treated badly by other children and that led to her becoming a duelist.She has always stood up for those who are weaker, or who are being bullied (including herself). Also, she has a natural talent with weapons. Is typically able to pick up just about any weapon and know how to use it effectively. So, as Petra grew up she was fighting, and refining your talents by defending both herself and others against people who crossed her. After her lover, disappeared without a trace, Petra killed a spurned lover who she felt was responsible for the disappearance. This spurned lover was an important person so Petra was forced to leave Nemedia. A parting gift from her mother was a jeweled rapier and matching parrying dagger because her mother had seen the very good duelist Petra had become.