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Welcome to Adventures in the Border Kingdom of Hyboria

16:58, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)


 Name       Epione    Race        Hyborian
 Gender     Female    Homeland    Bossonia
 Age        18        Archetype   Fugitive
 Height     5'2"      Hair color  Blonde
 Weight     109 lb    Eye color   Blue
 Descriptor Devoted   Flaw        Soft-hearted

 Attribute    Value
 Cunning         7
 Daring          7
 Empathy         5
 Might           4
 Passion         7
 Reason          6

Land Holdings (If any):

Special Possessions/ Heirlooms:
Long sword
Long bow

Character Description:
Lithe and beautiful, Epione has a taste for expensive clothes and jewels, changing her outfit as often as she can steal something new. She might not look dangerous, but she knows how to use both the sword and bow she carries, and she's not above burying her hidden stiletto dagger in the back of any opponent who makes the mistake of turning his back on her.

Epione has lived too much of her life in chains, eating prison gruel. She now wants to live the high-life, even if she hasn't got the money to pay for it. She has no qualms about stealing whatever she wants, though any treasure is soon spent. Assuming somebody doesn't get on her bad side, she can be charming, though she often lets herself slip under people's notice, the better to strike unexpectedly. Epione very much favours stealth over brawn. She may not be dreaming of treading the jewelled thrones of the Earth beneath her feet, but she's certainly keen on relieving them of some of their gems.

Epione was raised in Bossonia, where even as a young child she was taught to fight with bow and sword, in a land where everybody needed to do their part against the raids of Picts and Cimmerians. But her life changed when her family was killed in a Pictish raid that only she survived. Still a child, she drifted south to Tarantia, where she fell in with a group of thieves who taught her their trade. She was caught during a burglary, and spent long years in a jail cell, too soft-hearted to give up her former comrades for her own freedom. Eventually, she managed to make a daring escape, and made her way to the Border Kingdoms, a fugitive from Aquilonian justice, in search of new riches to plunder.

Current clothing: