
Character Sheet
Land Holdings (If any): None
Special Possessions/ Heirlooms: None
Character Description: Standing just a smidge under 6 feet tall, Aloric is a dashingly handsome man in his late 20s to early 30s with a countenance that projects a relaxed confidence borne not from arrogance, but rather a calm acknowledgement that life is going to happen to whether you're ready for it or not. He wears his brown hair longer than most soldiers (of which he definitely does not purport to be), letting it hang loosely just above his shoulders. His blue eyes are exceptionally enchanting, having served equally well in charming the undergarments off of members of the fairer sex as in convincing the local constabulary that the charges brought against him were clearly fabricated.
He travels light, wearing a simple soft leather armor generally covered by a brown traveling cloak with simple leather boots. A scabbard with a simple long sword is generally slung over his back or held in his hand, while one might expect a dagger or two hidden somewhere on his person.
Personality: Aloric is a generally congenial person that most would consider a man of the people. His language clearly points to a poor childhood with limited education and he puts on no airs that might alienate others, while being more than happy to enjoy himself with whatever the world has to offer regardless of what others might think of him. He appears to have a strong sense of right and wrong that does not always match up with local laws, and generally does his best to help those that can’t help themselves. He comes across as well-traveled and doesn’t seem to discriminate against others based on their race or background, although those who follow Set or other evil gods will draw scrutiny.
History: In his own words, Aloric is an unremarkable man, from an unremarkable place, born of unremarkable people, in unremarkable circumstances. He was born in a small town in northern Koth to poor, but not destitute, parents. His mother worked at a local tavern bussing tables and cleaning dishes, while his father was a carpenter of middling skill that performed odd jobs to earn money. Although his family was poor, Aloric grew up in a loving household, with his parents providing for him as well as they could.
At a young age Aloric had grown fascinated with the soldiers who would occasionally come through town as well as the local guards. He enjoyed sneaking away to watch them train against wooden dummies or sparring against each other, imagining himself alongside them in their shiny (to him) armor and steel weapons. His father, having noted Aloric’s interest, carved him a small wooden sword and presented it to him on his eight birthday. It immediately became Aloric’s favorite gift, leaving his few meager toys mostly ignored from then on.
When he was 16 his childhood dream was realized when he joined the local guard. Unfortunately, his childhood memories didn’t hold up against the truth. Their armor, when they had any at all, was in poor repair and the weapons, while serviceable, were not as grand as he remembered. The training was mediocre at best, and in less than six months he had become the most capable swordsman in town. Moreover, the boredom was excruciating while the hypocrisy and corruption were unbearable.
Thus, at the age of 19, he set out from his small town to find something more than it had to offer. At first, he took odd jobs in nearby towns or cities to earn money that he would then use to pay for martial training. As he gained some skill he traveled farther, eventually leaving Koth for the surrounding lands, hoping to learn sword techniques from as many different styles as possible.
Today Aloric is a vagabond. He’s not a mercenary, although he has sold his sword when the coin is right and the cause is just (or at least not unjust). He’s not a thief, although he has been known to lighten the purse of malcontents and redistribute their wealth to those in need (with a small fee for himself of course). His travels are fueled in equal measure by wanderlust and an urge to help those in need. He has no plans for the future or a grand strategy; rather when he’s done what he can do, he leaves wherever he is and sets out on the road, sometimes with a destination in mind, sometimes with no plan but to travel down the road until something catches his fancy.