Luthien the Stygian

Gender Male Homeland: Stygia
Age: 23 Archetype: Duelist
Height: Hair color: Black
Weight: Eye color: Brown
Descriptor: Bold Flaw: Overprotective
Attribute Value
Cunning 11
Daring 8
Empathy 4
Might 5
Passion 4
Reason 4
Land Holdings (If any): His family has land in Stygia...locally, he's probably renting a room.
Special Possessions/ Heirlooms:
Very high quality broadsword, gifted by his parents as he set out. The hilt is Serpentine, as befits Set.
Heavier armor, as befits a warrior. Also a shield.
Character Description:
A tall 6'2" man, armored up, with his broadsword and shield. Beneath that armor is wirey muscle and a well trained body. His skin is on the paler side, as befits a Stygian.
Luthien was put in dueling school very early on, and it shows. He spent a lot of time mastering the blade...a lot...and very little time with much else. That discipline and work ethic were big parts of what made him who he was. While others went carousing, he was practicing. While others drank in the tavern, he was practicing. And...there were good and bad consequences to that.
History: Born to a fairly wealthy family in Stygia, his family was quite naturally tied in with the politics and religion of the area, and he too grew up in the culture of Set and that world. However, his giftedness with the blade could not be overlooked, so he spent his time...first with the captain of his parent's guard, then in a proper dueling school, and then mastering the dueling school. He never learned quite as much about Set as others around, but boy howdy did he learn about swords, shields, and so on. One of the most talented duelists around, he set out to make his mark in the world...but he didn't do it at home. He went see what was in the world, and left with his parent's blessing and a custom made sword to remind him where he came from.