Varnak of Aquilonia

Gender: Male Homeland: Aquilonian
Age: 39 Archetype: Priest
Height: 5 foot 11 Hair color: brown
Weight: 199 Eye color: brown
Descriptor: Devoted Flaw: Soft-Hearted
Cunning 4-- 5 because Hyborian, 6 because Priest. Final: 6
Daring 4-- 5 because Hyborian, 6 because Priest. Final: 6
Empathy 4-- 5 because Step One, 6 because Hyborian. Final: 6
Might 4-- 5 because Step One. Final: 5
Passion 4-- 6 because Priest, 7 because Devoted. Final: 7
Reason 4-- 5 because Hyborian, 6 because Devoted. Final: 6
Land Holdings (If any): Nah?
Special Possessions/ Heirlooms:
--Cudgel, Sling, extra sling ammo
--Armor: Leather, Soft
--Two sets of clothing
--A horse with saddle and appropriate riding gear and a pack mule
--A room when in a town or village
--4 silver coins
Character Description: Taller than average, but not so much as to amaze anyone. straight hair, beard.
Personality: Cautious, well-spoken, thinks authority ultimately corrupts everyone who has it, not above treasure-seeking, intelligent, well-educated, very well-spoken. People either find him charming, or they can't stand him.
History: Has come here as a representative of Mitra. Is very tired of war, and feels that Mitra (and stamping out worship of other gods) is what's needed to unify the world. Thinks Asura-worship smacks of necromancy, Ishtar-worship is decadent and barbaric, that Kali-worship is just a death-cult.