- This game is under the Fantasy & Action/Adventure genres.
- The game system is Dungeons & Dragons 3.5.
- This game contains mature content.
Road's End
After a long day's walk along the side of the Culbreath river valley, you can see the white walls of Road's End rising in the distance ahead of you. Once a small fishing village, Road's End's strategic location has seen it grow into a mighty commercial port with tens of thousands of inhabitants. Somewhere in this bustling metropolis, there must be work for an aspiring adventurer.This will be my first attempt to run a PbP game, and I've therefore decided to opt to keep it simple.
What you should not expect: a unique, lovingly-crafted world filled with complex layers of intrigue that will take you years to fully unravel.
What you should expect: a generic fantasy world slapped together from bits and pieces shamelessly pilfered from published sources. It has dungeons to delve; nefarious villains up to no good; dangerous wildernesses populated by ravenous beasts; and the remnants of mysterious civilisations long since forgotten. In short, it's filled with opportunities for adventure.
And that's where you come in. Whether you're motivated by a sense of justice, a thirst for riches, or the desire for fame and glory, you're certain to find opportunities here in Road's End.
Thanks for all the applications; we don't have space for any extra players right now.