- This game is under the Fantasy, Apocalyptic & Contemporary genres.
- The game system is Free-form.
- This game contains adult content.
- The GM has marked this game as containing personal and intellectual property.
If the GM leaves or deletes the game nobody else will be able to continue the game.
Fire Reigns
On September 23, 2031, nature had enough of humanity, and the Day of Ashes came to pass. Earthquakes and volcanoes destroyed half of humanity, Dragons and other horrors came forth to try and destroy what was left. By the spring of 2032 humanity was less than a third of what it once was. What was left were people and groups struggling to survive. Then a call came, Humanity isn’t extinct yet. If you can do so safely, make your way to Boulder Colorado and we will bring you home. If you can’t, broadcast single channel 11001, we will come for you. The Vanguard is coming. We have food. We have medical. We have weapons. We need you.The Vanguard, a military force set to retrieve and help survivors as well as protect the Stronghold, a secret U.S. Government arc meant to let the politicians and rich ride out Armageddon. However none of the intended guests made it and the man who took ownership has set about restoring a small part of civilization.
It’s currently the fall of 2032, and players will take up the role of a new survivor (or if you prefer an existing survivor) arriving at Stronghold ready to help however you can with the survival of humanity. While this game is free-form and generally an open sandbox, be sure you read and understand the rules before submitting your request to join.