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Welcome to Little Heroes

11:23, 19th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Little Heroes

I slipped into the Dream, and walked to the mountain where Bastet had told me I would find the Manticore.  As I set foot on the scree slope, he appeared, rushing out of his cave to challenge me.  He was huge, and full of burning rage.  Loose stones slid down the mountainside all around me, some of them bigger than I was.

I pulled the Dream around me, and doubled my size.  Then I doubled it again.  And kept on doubling it until the Manticore started to doubt his ability to defeat me.  Then I did it one more time, just for good measure.  Finally the beast lay quivering on the stones, seeming no bigger than a rat to my vision.  "Who are you?" he whimpered, paws folded over his eyes, so that he wouldn't have to see the magnificence of my coat.

"I am," I declared, "Mister Flibbles.  But you can call me 'Sir'."

We humans are in danger, every day of our lives.

There are creatures that prey on us. Terrible things which slither into our minds, bringing fear and hatred and anger, until finally the human is just a shell controlled by these negative emotions, and the things, the Boggins, that create them.

All unknown to us, there is a war going on.  A war for our very souls.

The war is being fought, in secret, right under our noses. Yes, the Boggins, and their supernatural allies, are powerful. But humanity has allies too, allies who can see the Boggins and the ghosts and the other enemies, and fight them using martial skills and magical powers.

And it's just as well that those allies exist, because we humans are, for the most part, entirely oblivious to the endless war.

The guardians of humanity live in our homes.

All they ask, in exchange for the service they offer, is a warm bed, food and drink, and to be allowed to play with a ball of yarn occasionally...

Little Heroes uses the "Cat (Revised and Expanded)" rules, written by John Wick.
Buy it, or your cat will push everything off your desk, and hide it all under the fridge!
And use your shoe as a litter box...