- This game is under the Historical, Survival & Action/Adventure genres.
- The game system is Deluxe Revised Recon (Palladium Books).
- This game contains mature content.
RECON: The Long Patrol '66
Sông Bé, Southern Vietnam, Sông Bé Airfield, III Corps Tactical Zone, 1966The transport plane has just landed with you and other troops with. or attached to, the 199th Light Infantry Brigade, aka The Redcatchers.
The air is hot and humid very much like Mississippi where you've been training for half a year. Unlike Mississippi it also reeks of death. If despair had a smell, it would also forcibly enter your nostrils. Some of the locals seem happy to see you but a great many just seem scared that the war is coming in your wake.
LRRPS is a fairly new concept and your unit, Company F, 51st Infantry (LRP), are among the blessed few that have been trained to do it.
Welcome to The 'Nam and the Best/Worst job available in the whole damn war. Sua Sponte!
This will be a Mature rated game due to the violence and horror of war.